Archived Episodes
Vibing with Gratitude with...
Do you feel the energy around you? Do you know how different energies affect you? Would you like to get in touch with the energy of gratitude? Energy is something most of us can't see, but we can feel. In this epis...
Women in the Zone with...
May 18th in-preson and online - LIVE A LIFE OF SIMPLICITY, BALANCE, AND ABUNDANCE! Dynamic speakers, Q & A with the Audience, Game Changing Tools for Living in the Zone! with Dr. Pat Baccili and Ann Gro...
Grounding yourself, not...
The intentions you set when you chose your resolution were strong and possibly motivated by emotional stimulus. How is that going for you? Let's keep a successful resolution in place, or let go of what isn't servin...
Medical Astrology - Fact or Fiction...
If you're asking the Universe 'WHY IS THIS HAPPENING TO ME?!?" Why am I experiencing anxiety, depression, trauma, or PTSD? And "What can I do about it?" Working with a Medical Astrology expert is a valuable resourc...
Your Mind Is A Lousy Coach...
The mind is an amazing tool if you are using it in the “right” way. But what happens is we tend to use it for purposes that it's not really designed for
Tired of being busy but still...
Many of us are stuck in a cycle of being “busy” but having a false sense of accomplishment because we are taught that if we are constantly DOING something then we must b...
What are your questions about...
While our society may appear as divided as ever, there is one thing we all can agree on: 2020 made us come face to face with fear and anxiety. Some may have encountered these challenging e...
Reclaim your life with Zero...
We are living in a time when many people are feeling the weight of the world on their shoulders—global and personal stress, financial challenges, illness, loneliness, depression and lack of purpose. ...
How to Reclaim the Unstoppable...
Imagine you've had it all - a flourishing career, a stable marriage , and financial abundance. And then from one day to the next, all is taken away from you. Wouldn’t your c...
Are you dealing with election...
Are you worried about the upcoming election? Afraid about the future of our democracy and the direction our country is heading? If you, like so many of the people I talk to, suffer from election anxiety, join me on...
Reduce stress and boost your...
Stress is at the root of a long list of emotional and physical challenges, including anxiety, depression, heart disease and cancer. Stress can also greatly diminish the immune response to viruses and bacteria. ...
Four skills on how to become the...
Do you often feel more like a follower than a leader? Disempowered by what’s going on in politics, by COVID, the state of the economy, and the state of the environment? Followin...
How to get quickly grounded and...
Have you been continuously feeling that 2020 is shaping up to be one of the most intense years of our lives? As we are going through a time full of uncertainty, pain, outrage, and loss, it is normal to fe...
Boost your immunity with...
The coronavirus pandemic has brought our world literally to a stop, without a roadmap on where this will lead to. Since we have neither a vaccine, nor a specific treatment for the coronavirus, and our medical...
How to deal with intrusive thoughts
Do you ever have intrusive thoughts seemingly out of nowhere popping into your head? You may be preparing dinner in the kitchen, when suddenly your mind conjures...
Connecting With Our Divine Truth...
Does the world appear to you less coherent and more divided; less predictable and more chaotic; less about decency and love and more about profit and hate? Yet, in the midst of seemingly u...
From Fearful to Joyful Aging
Many people are afraid of the inevitable changes that come with getting older. Whether it is the physical decline, the wrinkled face or the loss of relevance, the golden years
Why Stress is in the "Eye" of the...
In this, Dave's Premiere Show, he will tell you why Stress is in the Eye of the Beholder and why we all have our own unique "Stress Signature" that we've been conditioned to and now automatically respond from as we...