Archived Episodes
Encore: What does Living a Life in Balance mean?
Despite high odds against him, a dark skinned Lebanese young refuge in Zurich beat all the odds to become a successful Swiss Businessman and Learned Scholar who values the world around him with care and compassion....
Creating Balance in Unstable Times
In this episode, I offer insight into how I create balance in my own life when the world around me feels overwhelming. I also invite you to follow along with one of my favorite techniques for quickly reducing anxie...
Everything in Moderation…Almost Everything
Are you ready to soar into wisdom? Join Lois and Dr. Pat for the third pearl of wisdom as they dive into the crucial concept of moderation and balance. This episode, titled "Everything in Moderation... Almost Every...
Steady On
How can we maintain our balance in a world that feels unstable? Between political, social, and environmental issues on a macro level and professional and personal concerns on a micro level, it’s no wonder man...
Encore: The One and Only Thing Over Which We Have Absolute Control
The wise tell us that the only thing we can control is our attitude, the emotional response to events. And they also tell us that mastery of this gives us control of everything else! Join Sarah as she spreads the g...
What does Living a Life in Balance mean?
Despite high odds against him, a dark skinned Lebanese young refuge in Zurich beat all the odds to become a successful Swiss Businessman and Learned Scholar who values the world around him with care and compassion....
The Power of Yes in Relationships
In this captivating episode, Gabriela joins Dr. Pat to unveil the three stages of a relationship and explore the transformative power of saying "yes" at each stage. What are we truly embracing with each "yes"? How ...
Confidence Through Intuition
Do you lack confidence in your intuition? Join identical twins Jadi and Jasmine Kindred as they share stories about how they learned to increase their confidence in their intuition. Join them to hear tips and trick...
Two of The Greatest Tools Humans Have
How come some people always seem to worry about something, while others seem to be happy most of the time? Watch
Is Intuition Safe?
Do you feel like the Universe has your back and that the world is safe to trust your intuitive guidance? Are you confident following your intution in your personal and professional life?
Intuition Q & A Part 2
Join me for tips and tricks on how to listen to those quiet whispers of wisdom. This Q & A will answer some of the most common burning questions I get asked about intuition. Get ready to live the life of y...
Living in Stress and Living in Flow
So many of us live very stressful lives. In what way does too much stress impact the functioning of our brain and ultimately our wellbeing? Watch https://www.transformationt...
"The Power of YES" The dance between the YES and the NEXT
In this episode Gabriela shares with Dr Pat, how the delicate balance between YES and NEXT, helped Gabriela engineer a life of impact and alignment and how by applying these principles, one can open the doors of pr...
The Oxygen Mask Principle – The Essential Nature of Self Care
Many of us feel divided against ourselves with our head saying one thing and our heart another. Balance and alignment are essential to our self-care, and our ability to help others. Join Sarah as she focuses on the...
Do This to Dissolve Obstacles in Your Life
Why can't I manifest my desires despite endlessly working on my beliefs? I have done so much work on myself and I haven't still seen results? why? Join Gabriela and Dr Pat for one of the most revealing epis...
How does resilience show up in our life?
What is your understanding and what role does the brain play when it comes to resilience?
The Sacred Union Within: Harmonizing Your Inner Masculine and Feminine Energy to Create a...
Join Tonia and her guest, Sean Padraic, as they uncover how vital it is to inner-stand the masculine and feminine energies operating within us in order to gain self-mastery. They discuss the detrimental effects of ...
Connecting Communities Through Work, Family and Friendship
In this episode, special guest Dr. Pat Baccili and I share some exciting news about my upcoming offerings. She and I discuss how much it means to us to be a part of such a supportive commu...
How Animals Raise Our Vibration (and how we can help them) with Guest Catherine Edwards
The healing power of animals includes their ability to raise our vibration. With today’s guest, Catherine Edwards, known as the Holistic Biologist, we will take a dive into the many ways that animals can...
The Tipping Point
Between November and January, we celebrate many holidays in the United States. These celebrations can bring joy and fulfillment as well as stress and overwhelm. There are usually high expectations along with more o...
From Darkness to Light
There is a beautiful Sanskrit prayer that asks to be taken from Darkness to Light. How can this be done, how can we take practical steps to move from darkness, and misery to light and joy? Join Sarah as she answers...
The One and Only Thing Over Which We Have Absolute Control
The wise tell us that the only thing we can control is our attitude, the emotional response to events. And they also tell us that mastery of this gives us control of everything else! Join Sarah as she spreads the g...
The Power of Listening
Listening is a skill that can be learnt, practised and mastered. It pays huge dividends, as it leads to understanding, empathy, knowledge and wisdom. Join Sarah as she opens a magical doorway into the powerful and ...
We are emotional beings. When we are happy and enthusiastic, all is great. But what if sadness, anger, shame or despair settle in? “Be in the moment. Express your emotions. Don’t deny your emoti...