Archived Episodes
Creating the Healthy Chef within to reduce risk of Colon Cancer
Honoring National Colon Cancer Awareness Month & National Nutrition Month! In this episode, we take note of the fact that March is National Colon Cancer Awareness Month. Importance of Nutrition to our W...
Warrior vs. Worrier: How Your Mindset Can Change Your Outcomes
We are conditioned to think that stress is always bad for us, but what if it wasn’t? What if changing our mindsets and beliefs around the stressor is the key to having success in challenging times? To...
Let’s talk about energy!
The energy around your birth from what was going on with your ancestors - your familial baseline, your parents, when you were in utero, and actually being born followed by what environment you were born into sets u...
Encore: The Miracle of Miriam's House with Guest Rhonda Evans
The story of a unique sober shelter for women with children and how it changed the life of Rhonda Evans forever. Watch
The Beauty of a Blue Holiday
Live Call in show 800-930-2819 Watch
Adoption Awareness month - Honoring adoptive parents
November is National Adoption Awareness Month! Honoring Adoptive Parents! Live Show! Call 1-800-930-2819 for a reading Watch https://www.transformat...
The Miracle of Miriam's House with Guest Rhonda Evans
The story of a unique sober shelter for women with children and how it changed the life of Rhonda Evans forever. Watch
7 Key Parenting Skills & Handed Down Childhood Messages
In this podcast we will discuss seven key parenting skills designed to enhance self- awareness. Strengthening self- awareness will help bring the best of ourselves to parenting to help raise healthy, strong, confid...
Encore: Everybody has a story
When people want to know about you, they'll listen to you tell your story. Many conversations begin with stories. When we were children, our parents told us stories. We heard about when they were kids, made up bedt...
Slowing Down to Connect: Creating Optimal Learning Environments for Neurodiverse Children
Are you struggling to create a supportive and enriching environment for your neurodiverse child? Do you feel overwhelmed by the pressure to constantly 'fix' perceived issues rather than celeb...
Mommy Dearest
Discussing the life of motherhood and the relationship of moms to their children. Quote: As a mom, it can be challenging to not focus on saving your children atevery tu...
A Mother’s Story of Navigating Autism and Epilepsy
In this episode my special guest and friend, Amanda Albano, speaks openly about her daily life with her lovely sons and their neurodivergent abilities. She gives us an inside look of livin...
Creating authentic relationships
Join us to learn all about connections, and understanding our children. This is a show for all parents and teachers. Watch Here:
The Great Awakening, to realize we've lied to our whole lives
The great awakening is a spiritial experience that if not yet experienced is hard to explain...Cuz its eazy if you know whats going on, but awakening to a new reality, and realizng you have been lied to ...
My Miracle Baby Helped Me Celebrate Every Everything
Giving birth to a child is one of the most miraculous and momentous experiences of life. Even if you are the “unlucky” one in ten to give birth prematurely, you are still indee...
Everybody has a story
When people want to know about you, they'll listen to you tell your story. Many conversations begin with stories. When we were children, our parents told us stories. We heard about when they were kids, made up bedt...
How the First Five years Form Who We are Today
The children that need us the most are not always the ones we realize need us.
Creating Little Miracles
Alysia's desire to be a surrogate started before she even knew the word for surrogacy. The opportunity to become a surrogate presented itself to her a little over a year after her son was born. She knew she didn't ...
New Year, Elevate You
In this episode, Guest Hosts Alysia Lyons and Stephanie Chapman will discuss self esteem in moms and how damaging new year, new you can be. Connect with Alysia:
Are you living your PURE Purpose life fulfillment?
Have you ever wondered where the people are today from the headlines you’ve read about them being attacked, kidnapped abused physically, emotionally, traumatized? Look no more, I am that person. Today, I will...
When Divorce Is Inevitable with Dr. Loretta Billoups
So, the dreaded, “D” word has come up. Life as you know it is about to change. New name, new address, overall a new identity. Maybe you’ve been married for twenty plus years or it’s a marria...
Encore: Part II Creative Community Building
How do you build community when your children are 10, 8, 6 and you're pregnant with your fourth child? Oops! Here's how Not to do it. Making one phone call saves the da...
Using Communication To Create Strong Family Bonds
We are so happy to welcome back Chelsea Kunde, founder of Building Blocks Family, where she provides consultation services on sleep, discipline, and potty training to families with children ages 0-6 years old....
Part II Creative Community Building
How do you build community when your children are 10, 8, 6 and you're pregnant with your fourth child? Oops! Here's how Not to do it. Making one phone call saves the da...