
Archived Episodes

The Psychic and The Doc with Mark Anthony and Dr. Pat Baccili

Winter Solstice: Balancing Light and Dark!

Do you know what Winter Solstice is all about and what happens? 

  Thursday, December 22, 2022

Hosts: Mark Anthony, Dr. Pat Baccili

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Light Body Wisdom

Energetic Support for Better Sleep Part 2 with Grace G. Hom, Ep#118

Sleep is such an extraordinary healer if you're able to get some.   This session will support your body to have deeper, more restful sleep.   What if you can adjust your cir... 

  Thursday, December 3, 2020

Host: Grace Hom

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Vibrant Powerful Moms with Debbie Pokornik - Helping Everyday Women Create Extraordinary Lives!

Creating Healthy Habits

Bringing healthy habits into your everyday life can have a huge influence on how vibrant you feel. In this episode Debbie shares 5 of her favorite health secrets complete with tips for how to put them into action. 

  Monday, July 31, 2017

Host: Debbie Pokornik

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