
Archived Episodes

Message Delivery! by Lisa Ann: You Can't Make This Stuff Up!

4 Common Superpowers...

Clair? Clair, is that you??  Join me to talk about some of the most common superpowers that you probably didn't know you have!  It's just the tip of the iceberg but your superpowers are unique to you.&nbs... 

  Thursday, July 2, 2020

Host: Lisa Ann

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Message Delivery! by Lisa Ann: You Can't Make This Stuff Up!

Serendipity, Signs and Spirit

Do you get signs from loved ones? Do you want to create a language all of your own to communicate any time you want?  Spirit wants to talk to you!  I'm going to tell you how!  Join me to discuss ways... 

  Thursday, June 18, 2020

Host: Lisa Ann

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The Jenn Royster Show

Clairsentience: Angel Guidance...

Time for angel messages and guidance for the month June 2016. Tune in as Dr Jenn delivers angelic guidance she has received to move us gently through the month of June. This will be a Clairsentience month of &ldquo... 

  Thursday, May 26, 2016

Host: Dr. Jenn Royster

Guest: Dr. Jenn Royster

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