90% of addicts begin their addiction before the age of. This presentation will reaffirm that without healthy emotional connection in childhood, the individual will trust addiction as their coping mechanism instead ...
Core Beliefs & Core Values
From our beliefs we derive our values, which can either be correct or incorrect when compared with evidence, but nonetheless hold true for us. Joined by Korneli...
The possibility perspective is about swimming in the grey area topics of life. Jesica joins Dr. Pat to talk about why she created the podcast The Possibility Perspective. They’ll discuss opinions and how they...
I had so much fun talking with Tara Davis about core beliefs recently, I asked her to come back and expand a bit on an area of interest that has really been grabbing her attention lately… specifically that o...
What do you believe? assumptions, hidden belief, core beliefs, positive and negative beliefs, challenging your beliefs, your personal power
Call-in to the show with your questions 1-800...