
Archived Episodes

The Zenspiration Show with Nicole Isler: Zenergize Your Life

Overcoming Overwhelm to Embrace Your Purpose

Have you ever felt that nagging inner conflict between the overwhelming stress you carry and the deep desire to make a bigger impact? I know the feeling all too well—it’s that ... 

  Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Host: Nicole Isler

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Vibrant Voices with Christine Vibrant: nourishing naturally healthy living

Make friends with the voices inside your head with the SING Method.

Vibrant Voices bring lasting and loving change they want to see in the world. What about the vitriolic voices in our heads, the ones judging you and others with viciousness, the ones getting in the way of your goal... 

  Thursday, May 25, 2023

Host: Christine Vibrant

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The Kornelia Stephanie Show

Navigating Ascension with Higher Frequencies with Pia Orleane and Cullen Smith

A Pleiadian View as we navigate our Ascension with Higher and higher frequencies; Masters of Alchemy in the present moment.   4:30 We realize love is not always soft. 14:59 Do you trust...