Archived Episodes
Your Spiritual Team
Guides and Soul Advisory Council supporting you on your path. Watch here:
The Road Not Taken:...
In this captivating installment, we embark on a profound journey into the effects of neglecting our inner guidance system and the ripple effects of disregarding our intuitive whispers. Join us as we navigate the te...
Soul Speech
There is listening, and there is ‘Listening’. How do we learn to listen to the truthful, authentic voice within, the one that can instruct, and guide, tell us exactly what we need to know. Join Sarah as...
Energy in Action: The Power of...
Sherianna Boyle explores how emotional mastery is the missing piece to manifesting we’ve all been looking for. She shows you how to create from an inner space of discernment, insight, intuition, and levelhead...
Spiritual Development
We will talk a look at an upcming workshop that will help you dive into your spiritual developement, paving the way forward to your truth and answers. Come join me in the group personl developement,
RESURRECTION: Book One; the...
Channeling the voices and wisdom of the otherworldly Guides, Paul Selig offers a way to expand your view of reality and move towards ultimate manifestation. In 1987, a spiritual experience left Paul Selig cla...
How To Live a Happily Ever...
How to live a Happily Ever Afterlife: Stories of Trapped Souls and How Not to Become Oneis an eye-opening look at spirits—at what compels and holds them—and what you can do to avoid the same fate with E...
Soulflower Plant Spirit Oracle...
The Soulflower Plant Spirit Oracle Deck and accompanying guidebook feature 44 powerful Soulflowers who wish to help you remember the simple truth that all of Nature is sharing—that we are cyclical beings...
Getting Heavenly Assistance from...
Anyone can get Heavenly Assistance from Angels. It is easier than you think. Tune into this show as we discuss how Michael discovered how to speak and connect with angles and how you ca...
Spirits Unveiled: A Fresh...
From ancestors and animal spirits to elementals and extraterrestrials, Spirits Unveiled presents an impressive variety of energetic beings and teaches you how to connect with them. Michelle W...
Spirit Marriage: Intimate...
An in-depth exploration of the practice, relevance, and purpose of spirit marriage around the world. Exploring the phenomenon of the spirit spouse or spirit lover--an entity to which a human is psychically bonded--...
Angels put a "Spring" in Your...
Spring is a good time to renew your ideas, review your opportunities, and increase your vitality. Esther is the Angel of Vitality and it brings her great joy to generate stamina, energy, and liveliness for your eve...
Angels and Goddesses :...
This book is all about connecting with archangels and their twin flame goddesses. You will discover seven pairings of angels and goddesses with dozens of hands-on invocations, prayers, mandalas, visualizations, and...
Take the Journey Back To Me with...
Gina Gayle Gray helps her clients by guiding them back to their True Highest Self where they can find “Soul-U-tions” to every issue they may be experiencing within their life. As a Freedom Coach, she is...
How Transmutation...
Our Highest Self/True Self lives in our heart, not our mind - but it's often difficult to find and to hear our heart's calling if we haven't transmuted our past Watch live on Facebook.
Let’s Talk turkey about...
Ever wonder why some people can jump into unchartered territory and know they are guided? Are you stuck? Rosemary can teach you how to increase the natural ability and hone in on your intuitive insight, connect wit...
Angels, Spirit Guides, and...
Ever wonder why some people can jump into unchartered territory and know they are guided? Are you stuck? Rosemary can teach you how to increase your natural ability and hone in on your intuitive insight. Make bette...
The Kingdom: A Channeled Text...
The Kingdom is a transcription of Paul’s channeled messages, direct from the Guides in their complete and unedited form.With beautiful language and profound wisdom, The Guides share an awe-inspirin...
Angelic Connections &...
Join Psychic Medium Jaime as she explores the different categories of the angelic realms from her perspective. Angels are underutilized and can help us in so many ways. All we have to do is ask for help and guidanc...
Angels Spring into Step with The...
The Angels of joy and expansion, love the month of March. Spring is in the air and they want to uplift your spirit. Joseph is the Angel of Joy and Randolph is the Angel of Expansion--let these Angels guide you into...
Cheer’s To Our Every Day...
Join Psychic Medium Jaime and Spiritwalker Nicole as they pay tribute to the everyday heroes of 2020. Today is a day to lift our spirits, raise our vibration and enter in a new year on a new vibrational level...
Guest Host Lisa Ann: ABC’s of...
Angels are all around, but do you know how many there really are? Do you know what they are in charge of helping you with? There are the big guns, joy guides, helpers, runners, healers, protectors and MORE!! Join m...
Alchemy Book Two, Beyond the...
Alchemy, the Guides offer us a way to engage the transformational process of moving beyond a limited interpretation of the self and into a place of manifestation. As humanity stands at a crossroads, the voices of T...
Encore: The Life You Save May...
Have you ever been broke, depressed, lost, and completely out of your depth? Have you felt like everything in the Universe is against you and only YOU? What does it feel like to let ...