We are still in this powerful new series " Let Get To Know God! " During this episode, Angela will be sharing teachings from the Holy Bible that will lead people into a more intimate relationship with God. An...
The intentions you set when you chose your resolution were strong and possibly motivated by emotional stimulus. How is that going for you? Let's keep a successful resolution in place, or let go of what isn't servin...
According to my guest, Megan Holt, between the ages of 0-3, our trust in ourselves is either nourished or broken (and more often than not, it is broken, even with well-meaning parents). If we never re-build this tr...
Are you ready to replace stress, overwhelmed, and exhaustion with health, happiness, and confidence? Join us for a powerful episode that could help you BossUp and get healthy and fit. Karissa Adkins, is taking talk...
After listening to today's guest you will leave equipped to maximize your time, minimize you stress and break the procrastination habit so that you accomplish your goals. Learn to be proactive... be positioned... and ...