Archived Episodes
Two of The Greatest Tools Humans Have
How come some people always seem to worry about something, while others seem to be happy most of the time? Watch
Temple Of The Soul and Homeostasis
Your body is often referred to as the temple of your soul because it is the vehicle your soul uses to navigate life on planet e...
Homeopathy Leads the Way in Slowing Down The Aging Process
Hormonal imbalance is at the core of all disease states including autoimmune, inflammatory, neuropathy, and adversely affect cardiovascular, brain, bone, skin, muscle, joint and nerve health. Growth hormone is esse...
Lyme Dis-Ease… What’s Bugging You? Colette Marie Stefan and Guest Will Hatch
Are you overwhelmed by the symptoms of Lyme disease? On an energetic level it is possible to track common threads of how a person contracted a disease. Sit back and unwind the confusion!
Acidity vs Alkalinity with Co-host Dr. Agnes Frankel: Foods to make you thrive vs foods t...
In this episode, you will get to know the basic ‘roadmap’ of your body and why keeping homeostasis is so important (actually, it’s a milestone to health, beauty and wild wellness). Knowing that, D...
Encore: Lyme Dis-Ease… What’s Bugging You? Colette Marie Stefan and Guest Will Hatch
Are you overwhelmed by the symptoms of Lyme disease? On an energetic level it is possible to track common threads of how a person contracted a disease. Sit back and unwind the confusion!
Lyme Dis-Ease… What’s Bugging You? Colette Marie Stefan and Guest Will Hatch
Are you overwhelmed by the symptoms of Lyme disease? On an energetic level it is possible to track common threads of how a person contracted a disease. Sit back and unwind the confusion!