Archived Episodes
"Quieting Your Inner Critic" with Terri Hayes
Does perfectionism keep you stuck, second-guessing yourself, or afraid to take action? In this episode, I talk with life coach Terri Hayes to explore how perfectionism shows up in our lives—through fear, an o...
Quieting the Inner Critic
How to recognize, challenge, and transform the inner critic so you can cultivate self-trust, self-compassion and confidence. Watch
8 Ways to Enhance Emotional Intimacy and Closeness with Your Significant Other
Unfortunately, many men and even women are so afraid of intimacy they sabotage their own happiness by subconsciously pushing their partner away. This approach begins with strengthening the most important re...
Self Realization & the Inner Child Part 18 with Kornelia Stephanie, Nadine Searle, & Spec...
On this show, James will be sharing on his inner child and how he relates to him. James's work has mainly been giving nature-based experiences with people, and of course, the inner child loves that. James will shar...
Self-Doubt Detox
Who you are and what you do (or have done) is enough. Enjoy a motivation meditation so that you can rise with self-worth. In this episode: &nbs...
Making decisions using a pros and cons list isn’t a thing anymore!
Dive into what it means to be your own expert and listen to your intuition when wondering what to do so that you can be happy now. Claudia-Sam is answering/asking quest...
Letting go of the “But how?” (part 1)
Get inspired as I share my personal journey towards releasing the need to know it all (and the need to control) so that you can too surrender to what life wants for you.
How to to feel better about yourself when you feel stuck along your life’s path
Uncover where you are in the "Freedom from Fear Vessel" and open yourself up to making decisions from the heart. In this show, he...
Changing Negative Thoughts- Your power, Your Choice
The average person has between 12,000 and 60,000 thoughts per day. Approximately 95% are the same redundant thoughts as the day before, and nearly 80% ...
When am I planning and when am I fretting?
In this episode I explore how we can bring mindfulness into our planning for the future without slipping into mindless worry, fretting, and fearful thinking.
4 Steps to Give Your Inner Critic a New Job!
Are you feeling stuck and not really inspired about life even though you are crazy busy with many responsibilities? What you are telling yourself matters. Your inner critic may need a new job! In this show intuitiv...
Modeling Your Self Image with Kim Luret!
Has anyone asked you “who do you think you are?” As kids our infinite imagination is often squashed by trying to fit in to a group or society. To fly high you must find the authentic you. Kim Luret grew...
Thriving in Times of Crisis Part 2 with Susan Hoskins
Are you so busy trying to create a world that feels safe and secure that you’ve lost sight of your Divine Destiny? If so, you are not alone. Over the last several years, it has become apparent that many peopl...
Does Positive Self Talk Really Work? How to Turn Your Reality Around in a Second
Can you hear yourself? “I am the way I am. Positive self talk isn’t going to help me. I can’t change what I’m thinking.” This may remind you how you’ve always related to yourself...
Death of the Woven Mask!
The mask we wear that is given to us by others and the amount of effort and time it takes to remove it in order to reveal our authentic creative self. Watch live on Facebook.
Encore: Quick Tips for Taking Back Your Power
Standing in your power means knowing who you are – what strengthens you, drains you, even what may be blocking you. It's about tapping into your authentic self and then striving to be the best version of your...
Turning Your Inner Critic into Your Inner Coach
This show provides ideas on how to quiet your inner critic because quieting this voice – or at least changing what she is saying – is really important to helping a person move out of their sha...
Let Your Wild Woman Spirit Howl and Live Unstuck JOY!
Have you ever wondered, “Is this all life has to offer? There MUST be more!” If you answer “yes,” join me on Unstuck JOY! The Art of Living on Purpose with Vicki...
How to Tell Your Inner Critic From Your Inner Wisdom
In this episode Debbie shares a story about a time her inner wisdom saved her life and shows us how we can tell the difference between the inner critic, which tries to hold us back and the inner wisdom which is her...
Quick Tips for Taking Back Your Power
Standing in your power means knowing who you are – what strengthens you, drains you, even what may be blocking you. It's about tapping into your authentic self and then striving to be the best version of your...