Archived Episodes
Angel Insights: January 2021...
AFFIRMATION: I AM manifesting with intention. My problems do not push ...
Welcome to The Age of Aquarius...
Beyond 12/21/20 when Jupiter and Saturn collided Watch live on Facebook.
The Astrology of the...
The Astrology of the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction: Your Personal Renaissance Call in! 1-800-930-2819 Watch live on Facebook.
Happy B-Day to all Sagittarius-new...
December is the month of Sagittarius which is also Dr. Pat’s birthday and Jason’s of Jason and Patricia of The Ecosystem Approach! Today we’re going to talk about the sun sign Sagittarius which is...
Encore: Energy Healing with the...
Energy Healing is available to everyone. We can reset our energy field...
Encore: Energy Healing with the...
Energy Healing is available to everyone. We can reset our energy field...
Energy Healing with the Angels -...
Energy Healing is available to everyone. We can reset our energy field...
Guardian Angels Watching Over...
We all have guardian angels watching over us, supporting us our entire lives. As we asc...
Kornelia Stephanie special guest...
Would you like to know what to expect in 2019 from an astrological perspective? Move into the New Year with a clear understanding of how to best use the energies of the year to your advantage, and to be at peace ev...
Interstellar Flight, Space...
Rhonda Stevenson, President of the Tau Zero Foundation, joins the program to discuss her organizations goals and visions for the future. As stated on their website: "We are dedicated to building the gateway that en...
NASA Juno Mission Findings Support...
Chief Science Advisor for the Thunderbolts Project, Wallace Thornhill, joins the program to discuss NASA's Juno mission findings as well as other amazing aspects of the Thunderbolts Project. He also discusses the u...