Archived Episodes
Why Your Old Motivation Isn’t...
Have you ever felt like the motivation that got you here just isn’t cutting it anymore? Like the fuel that once powered your drive has run dry, and you’re left wondering what’s next? If so, you&rs...
The One Essential Component for...
We often think of qualities like loyalty, empathy, respect and kindness as essential to great relationships. But today, we’re diving into one of the most profound questions when it comes to relationships: Wha...
Turning 50 - 5 Lessons on...
In this intimate episode, Gabriela invites you to join her on a personal journey as she nears her 50th birthday. Reflecting on a powerful question: “If I were gone tomorrow, what would I want my final message...
7 Best insights about living your...
In this captivating episode, Gabriela shares with Dr. Pat her experience at the Archangel Summit. After an incredible day filled with inspiration, these are the moments that truly stuck with her. From powerful talk...
The Transformative...
In this captivating episode, Gabriela joins Dr. Pat to uncover the profound power of saying "no" and how it can become your gateway to a life of purpose, freedom, and alignment. She masterfully breaks down how over...
Summary of the series “The...
In this captivating episode, Gabriela brings together the key insights from the last six episodes of the "Power of Yes" series. If you're seeking a dose of inspiration and motivation, you won't want to miss this co...
The Spirituality of Yes
In this captivating episode, Gabriela explores the parallels between two frameworks for understanding how spiritual energy descends and manifests in the physical world and how to truly access the power of yes in th...
Career Fulfillment Through the...
In this captivating episode, Gabriela sits down with Dr. Pat to explore the seven distinct types of "yeses" that are essential for building a career that is both successful and deeply fulfilling. Throughout...
The Power of Yes in Relationships
In this captivating episode, Gabriela joins Dr. Pat to unveil the three stages of a relationship and explore the transformative power of saying "yes" at each stage. What are we truly embracing with each "yes"? How ...
"The Power of YES" The...
In this episode we continue with “The power of Yes” Series. Gabriela and Dr Pat guide you through the process to know what to say yes to, how to say yes in every step of the life engineering process and...
"The Power of YES" The dance...
In this episode Gabriela shares with Dr Pat, how the delicate balance between YES and NEXT, helped Gabriela engineer a life of impact and alignment and how by applying these principles, one can open the doors of pr...
Mastering the Key Ingredients for a...
In this episode Dr Pat and Gabriela discuss the process of “Encouragement” – How to bring back courage. Whether you're facing a major life decision, aspiring to make a bold career move, or simply ...
Do This to Dissolve...
Why can't I manifest my desires despite endlessly working on my beliefs? I have done so much work on myself and I haven't still seen results? why? Join Gabriela and Dr Pat for one of the most revealing epis...
Life Engineering to attract our ONE...
I believe that we have many soulmates but there is one that seems to be the “assigned” for us. If you think about what needs to happen in order for you to meet this person you will realize that ...
Engineering for Prosperity
Engineering for prosperity: how to use the laws of the universe with the power of our intention to manifest prosperity in our life. In this episode we reveal what’s the biggest mistake people make when manife...
Powerful Strategy to Let Go of...
Regrets are a heavy load to carry. They can keep a person sick, bitter, and frustrated. They suck the joy out of our lives. In this episode Gabriela shares a powerful strategy to clear your regrets so you can feel ...
The miracle approach to...
We had such a powerful and rich discussion in our last Theta Practice working on dealing with failure and perfectionism that I wanted to share these perspectives to all our listeners!
The shoemaker does NOT walk...
This is how using the “Life Engineering” roadmap saved me from a life of regret. In the last 23 episodes, we talked about the “life engineering” steps and how to apply these t...
Life Alchemy: The Tool I used to...
During the weekend we received a message in our chat from a woman inquiring about the upcoming thetahealing course. In the chat she shared that she had sessions with one of the Thetahealers...
Life Alchemy: The Tool I used to...
During the weekend we received a message in our chat from a woman inquiring about the upcoming thetahealing course. In the chat she shared that she had sessions with one of the
Let Go of Resentment and...
Understanding resentment: Why it is important and how to let go of it. Stay tuned for a wisdom nugget at the end!
Dr. Pat's Summary on the Life...
What is Life Engineering? Dr. Pat summarizes The Life Engineering Show and how we can engineer our best lives!
Best Practices To End The Year...
Why it is important and best rituals to end the year gracefully. Wisdom Nuggets at the end!
My Story and My Why: Weakness...
My story and my why. Tune in for wisdom nuggets on human potential and our capacity to create!