Archived Episodes
Do you have the energy to live your best life?
Mary Jane will talk about the physical, emotional and mental vitality needed to fully embrace your best life. Do you wake up excited and energized about the day ahead. Or are you just going through the motions drag...
High Vibe Wellness Innovations with Mary Jane Mack, Medical Intuitive and Energy Medicine...
This episode features Mary Jane Mack, Medical Intuitive and Energy Medicine Expert. She will join Elisa and Dr. Pat in this fourth episode of "Secrets of High VIBE Wellness. Mary Jane will share...
Braintapping with special guest Mary Jane Mack
Relax, reboot and revitalize by simply optimizing your brain’s peak potential Watch live on Facebook.
Change Your Thoughts Change Your Life with Dr. Patrick Porter Developer of The Brain Tap
What if you could shift a perspective in 20 minutes? To turn stress into clarity? To energize the power of your mind to live more freely and infinitely? You can and you will as you tap into Your Mind Power with Dr....
What are Your Health Goals This Year?
Watch live on Facebook. 800-930-2819
Dr. Pat visits with Mary Jane Mack and Nancy Mack
How can you improve your health and wellness?
"Stages of Adrenal Fatigue due to Chronic Stress "(Good or Bad)
Watch live on Facebook.
Stressed Out! Here are 7 Ways to Beat it Before it Kills You!
Watch live on Facebook.
Dr. Jeff Haller, Feldenkrais Method® Trainer and Expert sits in for Mary Jane today!
Dr. Jeff Haller will be sitting in for Mary Jane today. He will be offering tips on how to navigate the pathway to the inner composure necessary for living a creative life in a challenging world. Call in to...
Encore: A Health & Wellness Journey with Nationally Recognized Universal Horsemanship™ Cr...
Dennis will share his journey with Mary Jane Mack to health and wellness and how that translated into a deeper connection with his teachings on Horsmanship.
A Health & Wellness Journey with Nationally Recognized Universal Horsemanship™ Creator De...
Dennis will share his journey with Mary Jane Mack to health and wellness and how that translated into a deeper connection with his teachings on Horsmanship.
Commit to Your Journey to Wellness in 2019
Mary Jane Mack and Benny Mathers take callers and talk about the TAPS system
How your Health affects Your Personal Growth and Development
Learn how your health is affecting your energy, relationships, mood, and career, and how to improve it. Holistic intuitive Mary Jane can answer your questions. Call 800-930-2819 with your ques...
Getting to the Core Issues of Your Physical Symptoms
Do you have Back pain, Knee pain, Shoulder pain, Joint pain, Overall Stiffness, Digestive Issues or whatever it may be? What is the answer? Call 800-930-2819 to get some answers.
The Importance Of A Good Night's Sleep
Mary Jane Mack talks about how important it is to get a good sleep, and supplements that can help.
What Does it Take to be the Best You Can Be?
Mary Jane Mack has been committed to helping people all of her adult life. At the age of 20 she became a registered Nurse and for 18 years, worked in Labor and Delivery and in Surgical Recovery uni...
The Mary Jane Mack Show
Mary Jane Mack has been committed to helping people all of her adult life. At the age of 20 she became a registered Nurse and for 18 years, worked in Labor and Delivery and in Surgical Recovery uni...