Archived Episodes
God Is Who He Is
We are still in this powerful new series " Let Get To Know God! " During this episode, Angela will be sharing teachings from the Holy Bible that will lead people into a more intimate relationship with God. An...
Encore: Keeping up in the Ageless Zone!
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Recovery & Healing: Believing In The Possibility!
In this episode, Angie will be providing some spiritual insight and biblical guidance to individuals who are battling some form of addiction. The purpose of the information that will be shared during this episode i...
Keeping up in the Ageless Zone!
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Fixing Your Power Drains
Last week in the Break Free series we introduced parent power and this week we dive into the power struggles that can arise when we misuse it. I share a story about my kids and clothing (yikes!) and provide an out ...
Are you Response-Able?
This week I share a story about fighting with my kids over bathtime and share how your response to things is really up to you...even when it feels automatic. I talk about how parent power can go awry and set you up...
Divorcing a Narcissist – From Gas Lighting to Burning Bright!
Do you feel like you are in a relationship where you feel like everything is your fault? Or that you’re not doing enough for the other person? Do you spend a tremendous amount of personal energy protecting yo...
5 Secrets to Using Discipline
Today I share 5 secrets about using discipline that are rarely discussed yet super important if you want to be able to choose discipline over punishment with your kids.
Why Choose Discipline?
Discipline is actually tightly tied to self-discipline – this is what helps you live a healthy life, treat others in ways you would like to be treated, to respect others property, to build strong relationship...
10 Skills That Can Help You Be A Wonderful Parent
Today I'm going to share how you can use the same skills that will help you excel as a boss or leader to be a wonderful parent, because – let's face it, life is already busy enough without having to develop s...
Putting Things In Perspective
A great way to raise your vibe is to play with seeing things from a variety of different angles. This VPM show provides ideas for doing this in your daily life.
What You Need to Know About Feelings
Feelings are something we all experience and need to know how to process. When feelings are ignored, stuffed or downplayed, they pile up and cause health issues, relationship problems and get in the ...
Understanding Your Stress Hormone So You Can Learn to Control It
Stress much? When you're stressed, anxious or even just a little tense there is a lot going on with your body. In this episode Debbie helps you understand your stress hormone so you can learn to control it.
Key strategies for keeping you successful and sane with Dr. Maria Nemeth
In this half hour interview with Dr. Maria Nemeth you'll learn how to give the brain a break, the four aspects of success, how to avoid "Trouble at the Border" and so much more.
Ideas for Decreasing Stress & Increasing Calm
Stress is a normal part of life and in some ways can be important for keeping us moving. Unfortunately in our society, most people carry too much stress and pay for it with health issues, relationship break-u...