Archived Episodes
When Your Soul Gets Wings: A Path to Real Freedom
Ever feel like you're stuck in an endless cycle of self-help solutions that leave you right back where you started? In this episode, Jess reveals her Radiant Soul Path - a journey that took her from a success-drive...
Are You Stuck in the Self-Help Loop?
Ever feel like you're stuck in an endless cycle of self-help solutions that leave you right back where you started? In this episode, Jess reveals her Radiant Soul Path - a journey that took her from a success-drive...
Putting the ritual back in spiritual
Join us to talk about how small, simple, and short daily rituals can change your life.
Make friends with the voices inside your head with the SING Method.
Vibrant Voices bring lasting and loving change they want to see in the world. What about the vitriolic voices in our heads, the ones judging you and others with viciousness, the ones getting in the way of your goal...
Reconnecting with your true self through heartbreak
Taking the journey to mend a broken heart can be an overwhelming and a painful process, but a journey well worth it. Understanding how to mend your heart by connecting with your internal s...
Stories That Inspire Hope with Kornelia Stephanie and Friends
Watch live on Facebook. Struggles, Failures, and Wins. Now more than ever before, we need stories that inspire hope. The stories you tell to your children and grandchildren...
Practice? You Talking About Practice?
Where are you right now? In a room daydreaming? Planning what’s for dinner during a 4 pm meeting? Continuing this morning's fight with your spouse? Most ...
How to Start Journaling? When You Don't Know What to Write About
Do you feel like your mind is full of chatter and it’s keeping you from feeling clear and focused? Journaling is a very powerful tool wh...
Making Big Life Decisions? Tap Into Your Unlimited Choices
Are you in the process of making a big life decisions? Here’s how to recover from feeling stuck in one place not knowing what to do, and start feeling like you have unlimited choices! This may feel like an un...
The Unspoken Power of Having a Morning Routine You LOVE!
Is the morning the uplifting best part or the dragging worst part of the day for you? For me it’s the absolute BEST part of the day,...
4 Essential Tips to Maintain Life Balance
Are you gung-ho for that new program? a new practice? as it's now going to be THE solution for the change you want to make in your life? you're on A MISSION to find life balance!
How Deep Feelers and Thinkers can Manage their Energy, with guest Jessica deCsesznak
There is a lot of chatter about the emotional body; join the discussion with spiritual mentor and life coach Jessica deCsesznak. Jessica works with women who are Deep Feelers and Thinker...