
Archived Episodes

the SHIFT Podcast with Trish Campbell & Diane McClay: Perspective & Our Power to Change

Ep. 30 - The Deliberate Pause

When we started his show, we did so unattached to any particular outcome other than to spark thought and contemplation around a broader perspective; how a shift 

  Friday, August 19, 2022

Hosts: Trish Campbell, Diane McClay

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the SHIFT Podcast with Trish Campbell & Diane McClay: Perspective & Our Power to Change

Ep. 29 - We Can't See It When We're in It: Perspective Shift

We can't fully see something when we are in it. Whether the "it" is a situation, environment, relationship dynamic, belief systems, the stories of illusion we live in, or something e... 

  Friday, August 5, 2022

Hosts: Trish Campbell, Diane McClay

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the SHIFT Podcast with Trish Campbell & Diane McClay: Perspective & Our Power to Change

Ep. 28 - We Are the Change We Need Right Now - Part 2

Nothing changes if nothing changes.    Nothing changes If we keep doing the same things, expecting different results - or not doing anything at all and expecting some else to take act... 

  Friday, July 15, 2022

Hosts: Trish Campbell, Diane McClay

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the SHIFT Podcast with Trish Campbell & Diane McClay: Perspective & Our Power to Change

Ep. 27 - We Are the Change We Need Right Now

Last year at this time, our show was about independence, and celebrating independence - why do we celebrate and what are we celebrating when not everyone has the same freedoms?   Are we simply ... 

  Friday, July 1, 2022

Hosts: Trish Campbell, Diane McClay

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the SHIFT Podcast with Trish Campbell & Diane McClay: Perspective & Our Power to Change

Ep. 25 - Immersing in the Wilderness

This is the first show of our 2nd season and we are so excited to begin anew with a conversation about the transformation that occurs when we immerse ourselves in nature - Release, Refresh & Recharge ... 

  Friday, June 3, 2022

Hosts: Trish Campbell, Diane McClay

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the SHIFT Podcast with Trish Campbell & Diane McClay: Perspective & Our Power to Change

Episode 23 - Embracing the Pause

We are coming up on our one-year anniversary of the SHIFT Podcast - Perspective and Our Power to Change, and we're taking a look back, embracing the pause and reflection on where we have been this past year.  

  Friday, May 6, 2022

Hosts: Trish Campbell, Diane McClay

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the SHIFT Podcast with Trish Campbell & Diane McClay: Perspective & Our Power to Change

Ep. 20 - Translating Our Inner Wisdom Into Action

In our last few episodes of the SHIFT, we have been developing conversation around the journey inward - being curious about our resistance to that journey, leaning in, and discussing methods and practices we can us... 

  Friday, March 18, 2022

Hosts: Trish Campbell, Diane McClay

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the SHIFT Podcast with Trish Campbell & Diane McClay: Perspective & Our Power to Change

Episode 19 - Resistance to Turning Inward - Part 2

Join us for this continuing conversation around our collective resistance to change.   We are continuing the conversation from our last episode where we talked about our collective resista... 

  Friday, March 4, 2022

Hosts: Trish Campbell, Diane McClay

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the SHIFT Podcast with Trish Campbell & Diane McClay: Perspective & Our Power to Change

Episode 18 - Resistance to Turning Inward

Join us for this continuing conversation around our collective resistance to change   Last week we asked, what is our collective resistance all about? We began to answer that, but there is... 

  Friday, February 18, 2022

Hosts: Trish Campbell, Diane McClay

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the SHIFT Podcast with Trish Campbell & Diane McClay: Perspective & Our Power to Change

Episode 17 - Leaning Into Our Resistance

Leaning into our Resistance     We invited you, our listeners to join us in increasing our connection with nature and allow ourselves to take notice the impact in our day to day. 

  Friday, February 4, 2022

Hosts: Trish Campbell, Diane McClay

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the SHIFT Podcast with Trish Campbell & Diane McClay: Perspective & Our Power to Change

Episode 16 - Attuning to our Natural Intelligence

If there is one thing that the last two years has highlighted for us, it is that as a society, at least in Weste... 

  Friday, January 21, 2022

Hosts: Trish Campbell, Diane McClay

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the SHIFT Podcast with Trish Campbell & Diane McClay: Perspective & Our Power to Change

Episode 13 - Creativity - The Window to Self & the Soul

How aware are we of our creativity and the paths that we can use to find and to cultivate it? And why is it important to uncover and tap into our innate creative gifts?   Traditionally speaking... 

  Friday, December 3, 2021

Hosts: Trish Campbell, Diane McClay

Guest: Robert T. Norton B.A.

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the SHIFT Podcast with Trish Campbell & Diane McClay: Perspective & Our Power to Change

Episode 11 - Shifting the "Shoulds"

  Remember when meditation wasn't mainstream? What about Reiki sounded too "Woo Woo" to be true?   Sensory deprivation, sound therapy, and cryotherapy are alternative healing modal... 

  Friday, November 5, 2021

Hosts: Trish Campbell, Diane McClay

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the SHIFT Podcast with Trish Campbell & Diane McClay: Perspective & Our Power to Change

Reframing Selfish

In this episode we'll expand on our last episode about wanting more, wanting something new or different from the status quo, while simultaneously being grateful for what we have... 

  Friday, August 6, 2021

Hosts: Trish Campbell, Diane McClay

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the SHIFT Podcast with Trish Campbell & Diane McClay: Perspective & Our Power to Change

Harnessing Your Intuitive Superpower

How often do you stop and notice what’s around you?   Are we buzzing through our daily lives too much on autopilot, perhaps ignoring the s... 

  Friday, June 18, 2021

Hosts: Trish Campbell, Diane McClay

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