Archived Episodes
Raminyah Ingram Discusses Why All Things Originate with the First Drop of Blood
In this episode of Beyond Birth Trauma, I'm joined by Raminyah Ingram to explore how our earliest developmental stages — from conception to childhood, and especially through the ...
A Modern-Day Vision Quest: Stories of Growth, Discovery, and Enlightenment, Part 1
Good morning, afternoon, and evening everyone. Thank you so much for joining. What an honor it is that you chose to share time with me. This podcast series uses the art of story telling to share one of th...
Having the Courage to Speak on Your Past Trauma with Special Guest Michaela Mae
In this episode, I discuss how speaking on our past trauma helps us to heal with special guest Michaela Mae. She is a new author. Her courage to write about the sexual abuse she suffered in her childhood is to be a...
Recovery & Healing Series: There Is More Power In "We" Than "Me"
On this episode, Angela will be continuing with her Recovery & Healing Series. She will be diving deeper into the Word of God to share spiritual truths and provide practical insignt to individuals who are on th...
Living with c-PTSD with Special Guest, Caroline Sokol, Combat Veteran
In this episode my special guest, Caroline Sokol, and I speak openly about living with c-PTSD. She is an Army Combat Veteran who survived being blown up by bombs over in Iraq. Her story is...
Ultimate DIY – self-development!
We are trained to go to experts and others for advice, perspective and to have understanding about ourselves. In this show we’ll talk about how that self-knowledge must be do-i...
The Empath's Toolbox II
Today, I'll wrap up The ALLY Effect with a powerful episode for all Empaths. This is your oppourtunity to step into the Educated, Equipped, and Empowered state as embrace your gift as an Empath. The world needs you...
The Empath's Toolbox
This is a show you do not want to miss! Calling all Empath's who've spent a lifetime questioning "What's wrong with me?", this is your resource guide, your personal toolbox for support and understanding. This is yo...
Calling All Men!
Join us today for a deep-dive conversation about what's it's like for men in today's world. This is a special edision for men who have struggled to find support, understanding, and compassion even with the people t...
How to Effectively Handle Conflict
Does the mere thought of conflcit send you into a panic? Do you avoid it at all costs? Are you a pleaser who will do anything to accommodate others? Have you ever considered your perception of conflict or your resp...
It's my birthday! Come celebrate!
Join me today as I gather with three wise friends as we share life wisdom, struggles and successes, and lots of laughter. Everyday is a gift and today we celebrate the joy of living, loving, and laughter!
Educated, Equipped, and Empowered! The Adulting Toolbox, Part 3
Do you ever look around and wonder when the real adult is going to show up in your life? Do you feel ill-equipped to deal with the basics of life? Well, then today's episode is for you! We'll continue to build into...
Educated, Equipped, and Empowered! The Adulting Toolbox, Part 2
Have you ever looked around and wondered when the real adult is going to show up in your life? Do you feel ill-equipped to deal with the basics of being an adult? Well, then today's epsiode is for you as we continu...
Educated, Equipped, and Empowered! Finally, an Adulting Toolbox! Part 1
Do you ever look around and wonder when the real adult is going to show up in your life? Do you feel ill-equipped to deal with the basics of life? Well, then today's episode is for you! Tune in today to learn real ...
So I'm an Empath... Now What?!?
Don't miss Part 2 of this intriguing conversation of two Empaths dealing with life before they understood what was happening to them. Hear the fascinating dynamics of how Empaths are wired and experience the world ...
Sacred Sexual Healing with Madame iLaria Bordignon
Intuitive Empathic Healer & Intimacy Therapist, Trauma Hypnotherapist & Reiki Sound Healer Women’s Sacral Yoni and Ani Massage Healer & Tantric Energy Goddess My heali...
I'm One... You're One... Now What?!? Two Women's Stories of Becoming an Empowered Empath
Today we'll continue our conversation about what it means to be an Empath in today's world. I'll welcome two amazing women for intriguing conversation about managing life as an Empath before they understood wh...
Wait... I'm a What?!? Exploring What it Means to be an Empath in Today's World.
While most people experience the emotion of empathy, there is a distinct differnece between the feeling vs actually being an Empath. How do you know the difference? Join me today to learn the amazing gift of being ...
The Empathy Challenge
What's happening in the world that people are becoming so irrate and combustable? Why are we treating each other with such little care and concern? What's happening to us? Most importantly, ...
Unlocking The Ancient Secrets to Healing with Gail Lynn
Why science is looking to the past for the future of medicine. Call in to the show with your questions 1.800.930.2819
Mindful Eating
Join me as I welcome special guest Julia Ryan who's passion is treating people with eating disorders, improvingi well-being, and bolstering a new sense of self. We'll cover topics of body image, self-esteem, ...
ACOA - What is it & How Do I know if I am One?!?
ACOA - Adult Children of Alcoholic. Before you scroll past this episode I'll enocurage you to tune in. Family issues with alcoholic impact the enitre family, often in ways that are obscure and completely unrecogniz...
The DHP's - The Dishonoring P's that are ruining your life!
This is your perosnal wake up call! Join me today to discuss these nasty patterns that are interferring with your path toward authenitcity. Perfecting, Performing, Pleasing - just a few of the patterns we'll be dis...
Changing Children’s Lives with Hypnosis: A Journey to the Center with Dr. Ran Anbar
Changing Children’s Lives with Hypnosis is a timely collection of patients’ healing experiences, the story of how these events changed one physician’s approach to medicine, and the takeaway inform...