
Archived Episodes

The Truth is Funny .....shift happens! with Host Colette Marie Stefan

Things Are Not Always The Way They Seem! Call-in to the show - we love hearing from you! ...

Ninety five percent of people take action (especially when they are triggered) on what they think are their own thoughts. However, the sub-conscious mind, formed by age seven, is how caregivers, educators, religiou... 

  Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Host: Colette Marie Stefan

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The Truth is Funny .....shift happens! with Host Colette Marie Stefan

Dreams: An Access Point to Greater Consciousness with Kelly Lydick

Dreams have the power to provide greater self-understanding. A look at dream symbolism can unlock the personal language through which the subconscious mind speaks. For those looking for deep transformation and a pr... 

  Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Host: Colette Marie Stefan

Guest: Kelly Lydick

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The Truth is Funny .....shift happens! with Host Colette Marie Stefan

The Universe is Knocking with Mollie Sommer

The universe gives us opportunities every day, a knock at the door. Learn how to listen for them, take action and see how it changes your life. 

  Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Host: Colette Marie Stefan

Guest: Mollie Sommer

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The Truth is Funny .....shift happens! with Host Colette Marie Stefan

Carly Penfold organizes the monthly Holistic Market and Psychic Fair to Connect Body, Min...

The vendors have so much knowledge and experience to help you navigate holistic treatments. Sample products and services and be inspired to make a shift in 2018! While t... 

  Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Host: Colette Marie Stefan

Guest: Carly Penfold

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The Truth is Funny .....shift happens! with Host Colette Marie Stefan

Debby Goodwin and "The Cup Of Life," Cleanse, Realign, and Strengthen Your Light Body wit...

Debby Goodwin is a self remembered alchemist. Through a series of cellular memory release she was able to awaken her bio field, catching a glimpse of her soul. This enabling her to come to full realization of her o... 

  Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Host: Colette Marie Stefan

Guest: Debby Goodwin

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The Truth is Funny .....shift happens! with Host Colette Marie Stefan

Release Subconscious Programming with the Heart Wisdom Process with Paul Wong

HWP works by working through layers of the subconscious similar to peeling layers of an onion. We use a simple self-inquiry and self-healing process to ask simple questions and connect directly to heart to process ... 

  Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Host: Colette Marie Stefan

Guest: Paul Wong

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The Dr. Pat Show: Talk Radio to Thrive By!

Are you afraid of the dark? with Host of The Truth is Funny, Colette Marie Stefan

You know ... those sleepless nights when you toss, turn, and wrestle with worries all night long? You are not alone. The majority of humans throughout history have failed to rise to their infinite potential because th... 

  Monday, August 3, 2015

Host: Dr. Pat Baccili

Guest: Colette Marie Stefan

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