Archived Episodes
Your Call is Calling…Yes or No?
Dr. Pat and Vicki examine how Joseph Campbell’s Hero’s/Heroine’s Journey offers us several Calls throughout our lives, the possible consequences of accepting or rejecting our intuition’s pro...
What is “delusional” thinking?
How the idea of “delusional” thinking emerged when Vicki wrote her second stage play, Does This Make Me Delusional? Dr. Pat and Vicki will discuss what “delusional&r...
It’s an Unstuck JOY Zest Quest! Guest Host Vicki Todd & her guest Georgian Lussier
Join guest-host Vicki Todd and her guest Georgian Lussier, who is an advocate for women in midlife! She hosts an award-winning community TV show called MidLIFE Matters on WPAA-TV in Wallingford, CT. Over the past f...
Let Your Wild Woman Spirit Howl and Live Unstuck JOY!
Have you ever wondered, “Is this all life has to offer? There MUST be more!” If you answer “yes,” join me on Unstuck JOY! The Art of Living on Purpose with Vicki...
Discover YOUR Artist Heroine and Her Unique Super Powers and Live Unstuck JOY!
Have you ever wondered, “Is this all life has to offer? There MUST be more!” If you answer “yes,” join me on Unstuck JOY! The Art of Living on Purpose with Vicki Todd as she shares her insi...
Say YES to Your True Self Values and Live Unstuck JOY!
Have you ever wondered, “Is this all life has to offer? There MUST be more!” If you answer “yes,” join me on Unstuck JOY! The Art of Living on Purpose with Vicki Todd as she shares h...
Your Spirit Guides Are Talking - Are You Listening?
Did you know the Universe is always communicating with you? When you’re ready to evolve on your True Self path, your Spirit Guides are ready and willing to assist you on your journey. When you choos...
Retrain Your Brain and Live Unstuck JOY!
Did you know 95% of our thoughts are the same as the day before because we’re living life in subconscious, default programming? And, 70-80% of those thoughts are negative, limiting, disempowering, and sabotag...
Feminine vs. Masculine Traits – Can They Play Well Together? Plus - First in the Series o...
Have you ever wondered, “Is this all life has to offer? There MUST be more!” If you answer “yes,” join me on Unstuck JOY! The Art of Living on Purpose with Vicki Todd as she shares her insig...
Unstuck: One Heroine’s Journey of Art and the Courage to Live on Purpose with Author and ...
Unstuck: One Heroine’s Journey of Art and the Courage to Live on Purpose is a story of memoir art, two 180-degree life flips, and the courage to evolve toward True Self and living on Purpose. Unstuck inspires...