Archived Episodes
A Modern-Day Vision Quest Part 5: Signs, Synchronicities, and Sedona: From Skeptic to Bel...
Part 5 continues with real-life stories about the segue I made from the Personal Growth stage to the Self-Discovery stage and now Enlightenment. As you may recall, I had two key...
A Modern-Day Vision Quest: Stories of Growth, Discovery, and Enlightenment, Part 4 - 1st ...
Thank you so much for joining. What an honor it is that you chose to share time with me. This podcast series uses the art of story telling to share one of the most amazing adventures in life, what I refer...
How did you lose your Magic?
Think back to when you were just a small child? You were filled with hope, and wonder, curiosity and joy. So where did it all go wrong? Where did you lose your magic? During this episode I will help you discover an...
From Burning Out to Burning Bright – Encore-Get Your Life Back By Healing Your Thoughts, ...
Are you tired of being tired? Wondering what the @#$! Happened To Your Life? If you’re experiencing Burnout, have tried everything and are ready to do whatever it takes to get your life back – tune in!
From Burning Out to Burning Bright – Get Your Life Back By Healing Your Thoughts, Memorie...
Are you tired of being tired? Wondering what the @#$! Happened To Your Life? If you’re experiencing Burnout, have tried everything and are ready to do whatever it takes to get your life back – tune in!
The Delightful Karma of Having Fun
What constitutes fun? Do you have fun? When you think of fun, who do you think of? Do you keep a critical level of humor in your life? Love, living and laughter are es...
Guest Host Karen Betten: Curiosity, Wonder and Humor: Tools for Conflict Resolution
Special Guest Host Karen Betten welcomes Colette Marie Stefan. Many of us are unknowingly hard wired to fight and defend our worth/value/honor when faced with conflict in the physical, emotional, psychological and/...