Archived Episodes
"The Millionaire Imprint for Women". with Kornelia Stephanie, Samantha Brown, Susan Glavi...
This new radio show is about financial empowerment, inspiring women of all ages to heal their karmic debts, to transcend the shame of poverty-consciousness that women have lived with for centuries. Whether you chos...
Tuesday, September 18, 2018
Host: Dr. Pat Baccili
Guests: Kornelia Stephanie , Susan Glavin , Momo Yasutake , Samantha Brown
The Quantum Revelation: A Radical Synthesis of Science and Spirituality with Paul Levy
The Quantum Revelation is for those who have heard that quantum physics is totally amazing and mind-blowing, but don’t quite understand how or why. Levy contemplates the deeper philosophical underpinnings of ...
Encore: The Light of Quantum Consciousness with Mark Anthony the Psychic Lawyer
Discover the enlightening and comforting true stories of Mark Anthony the Psychic Lawyer® as he helps people communicate with their loved ones in spirit. Evidence of Eternity is an uplifting journey that remove...
Forgiven Sinner: God’s Last Savior with Les Jensen
The heart of humanity has a deep desire for change to our human condition, perhaps more than ever before. As we progress through the 21st century we are still praying for the end of suffering. Yet the suffering of ...
The Light of Quantum Consciousness with Mark Anthony the Psychic Lawyer
Discover the enlightening and comforting true stories of Mark Anthony the Psychic Lawyer® as he helps people communicate with their loved ones in spirit. Evidence of Eternity is an uplifting journey that remove...
Read In Search of Lost Lives to Incite Your Own Spiritual Revolution with Author Michael ...
Spiritual Revolution is a distillation of the entire teachings of the greatest spiritual Teachers from all traditions into 52 easily understood principles, complete with the author’s wise commentary and expla...
How to Truly Live in the Now with Patrick Paul Garlinger
It is a commonly held spiritual belief that we should live in the present moment. But what does that really mean? Bending Time offers a novel answer to that question. We must understand time as a psychic p...
Enlightenment Through Angel Blessings with The Angel Lady Sue Storm
The Angels want each of us to be enlightened and on our Life's path. Archangel Uriel, is the Angel that specializes in prosperity, spirituality, and enlightenment. Let him guide you to a higher vibration of conscio...
Dream Big: The Universe Is Listening with Author Ilona Selke
From Stephen Hawking’s theories on time travel to recent study of performance in athletes when they envision and experience their success prior to achieving it physically, the idea of affecting outcomes that ...
YOUR Magic Wand: An extraordinary tool of creation and self- actualization….with Kornelia...
How you helped change the world utilizing the number one tool in your favor. You now claim the good fortune that is yours. You make your own luck and you’v never been more committed and dedicated to live your...
In Search Of Lost Lives: Desire, Sanskaras, and the Evolution of a Mind & Soul with Autho...
In Search of Lost Lives shows how desires and actions order transmigration to subsequent human and animal lives. Twelve lives show how hurtful actions resulted in a subsequent life as an animal or a sojour...
The Art of Limitless Living with Melissa Joy Jonsson
Through a brilliant weave of unique language, testimonials, and practical play-based exercises, The Art of Limitless Living provides multiple access points for creating new self-loving maps to help navigate through...
PGS Intuition- Your Personal Guidance System with Award Winning Filmmaker & Author Bill B...
Bill Bennett heard a voice while driving early one morning. The voice told him to slow down. He was approaching an intersection, and fortunately Bill listened to that voice and he did slow down, because a huge truc...
Guest Host Dr. Glenna Rice Welcomes Julie Oreson Perkins: As A Mom, Is It EVER About You?
Do you constantly find yourself placed last on the list? What if you were included in the creation of your life and could also be a fabulous parent? Tune-in to this special show about Parenting in a way that is bes...
10 Years Ago and Still Going Strong: 2007 Mojo Recall - Callers, Conversation, and Deepak...
Listeners have asked for it and we are delivering! What was it about The Dr. Pat Show that made it the favorite then and now? Tune in to find out and get ready to rock it ole school with a new vibe to thrive ...
Colette Marie Stefan and What the Dragons Want You to Know!
Colette and Dr. Pat will be taking live calls at 800-930-2819 as she taps into the Higher Self Network and pulls messages from the Dragon cards. For more information about these cards and what the dragons hav...
Consciousness is Everything!
Consciousness determines our well-being, our success in the world, our relationships. Consciousness is everything! So how do we make that work to our advantage? Tune-in and hear from Francine and Dr. Pat and their ...
Conscious Recovery - The Addicted Self with Co-host TJ Woodward
We live in a society riddled with addictions of all types. What is addiction and how do we break free from these destructive patterns? Please join Dr. Pat and co-host ...
Seven Cups of Consciousness with Aleya Dao
How would you like to find your power from your inner world and from higher dimensions and transform your life in amazing ways? On today's show, Aleya Dao will share how you can focus on your inner self, using your im...
New Self, New World with Philip Shepherd
On today's show be inspired by author Philip Shepherd to return to your innate intelligence, to learn to listen to your gut, your strong intuition and "belly brain." You can learn how to stop listening to the supervis...
A Voice as Old as Time with David Bennett
Join David Bennett on today's show who will be sharing how to find harmony, peace and awakening in our busy world. David has been on a lifelong journey to find acceptance, tolerance and truth and he will share how you...