Archived Episodes
Confidence with Special Guest Glo Rod
Passion, True Self, Everything is Energy Watch live on Facebook.
Our Spiritual DNA: Twelve Ascended Masters and the Evidence for Our Divine Ancestry with ...
After examining the lives of thousands of individuals across five thousand years, Carmel Niland saw patterns that allowed her to connect each individual to 12 specific Ascended Masters. Revolutionizing the ...
A Shift in Time with Special Guest Julia Griffin
A read on the current energies with the wolves and personal intuition as well as methods of raising consciousness and frequency to positively enhance day to day life.
Money is an Energy Game with Guests Margaret Donahue and Madeline Gerwick
Madeline Gerwick, a world renowned business astrologer and Margaret (Peg) Donahue, a feng shui expert share secrets from their award-winning book Money is an Energy Game: a 300-page 'encyclopedia' of money attracti...
Reframe: Change Your Story, Change Your Life with Special Guest Jennifer Noel Taylor
Tony Robbins said, to change your life, you need to change your state, change your strategy, and change your story. We will talk about how to change your story by working with your emotions Watch live on Fa...
Act on your Passion with Special Guest Glo Rod
Expressing Your True Natural Self! Watch live on Facebook.
Spiritually we are one. Can we talk? with Laura Meeks
In a world that is turning more tribal and less accepting of change, how can we learn to talk to each other without arguing? Watch live on Facebook.
Blue Star Celestial Energy: Pleiadian Gift to Humanity with Special Guest Kimberly Barrett
You might be asking yourself, what is Blue Star Celestial Energy? I've never heard of it. There is not a lot of information available on the internet. This is because it Channeled back into humanity in 1995 and kep...
Freedom: Is It a State of Being? with Guest Suzanne Alexandria
Where in your life are you really, really free? Or otherwise? Especially as we are coming out of Covid Quarantine which imposed severe restrictions on us -- how has the world changed in terms of you feeling or know...
Ascension Timeline with Viviane Chauvet
Many intergalactic groups are providing the Earth assistance with the organic ascension timeline. We will discuss and explore the realms of higher consciousness, planetary changes, energetic lines of communication,...
Connect with Extraterrestrials with Special Guest Glo Rod
Gain a greater awareness of your relationship with Extraterrestrials, energy, and other consciousness. Remember, we are all one! Watch live on Facebook.
The Way of Miracles: Accessing Your Superconsciousness with Mark Mincolla, PhD
The Way of Miracles is an adventure for the mind and spirit that begins with the premise that miracles don’t randomly happen—we create them! According to Mark Mincolla, PhD, developing our superconsciou...
Healing Ourselves Whole with Special Guest Emily A. Francis
Emily Francis offers a refreshing perspective into healing trauma. She reveals unique knowledge of the body as a holder for memory. Emily will lead you on a path deep within yourself to rearrange the ways that pain...
Connect with Extraterrestrials with Guest Gloria Rodriquez
Glo, a Portal Journey Ambassador, shares the strong relationship she has with her Extraterrestrial family. You will learn why her crazy good life is a synchronized orchestration.
Managing your energy daily: Do you actually put yourself in the driver’s seat? with Guest...
This episode dives deep into our inherent nature as energetic beings. As lots of people wake up to energy, and even to the fact that we ARE made of energy, then what? To me, there are energy tools that we’re ...
Introducing the Hosts of the Empower Me Show with Pam Bright!
What does it mean to be a spiritual being having a human experience? What will it take for you to fully claim your empowered life? What is the message that you have to share with the world? These are just some of t...
Exploring Mother Earth's Secret for Ultimate Transformation with Guest Host Robin H. Clar...
The Earth has chakras just like we do, and when we access them, we transform ourselves and all of Humanity by expanding the consciousness of the planet. When you align your chakras with the Earth chakras, you can e...
Rise Up! Awakening Through Revelation: 10 Days on the Ascension Path with Suzanne Ross
Get ready for the adventure of a lifetime as SUZANNE ROSS, author of Rise Up! Awakening through Revelation, takes you on an extraordinary adventure. During her 10 Days on the Ascension Path, you will witness virtua...
Climate Shock with Special Guest Dr. Stephanie Mines
Prepare for Climate Shock Now. Climate Shock happens when the reaction to disastrous environmental conditions adheres to layers of earlier trauma. Your nervous system is likely to signal an old coping mechanism whe...
How Does Your Past Really Catch Up With You? KARMA with Guest Host Valerie Trujillo
What is Karma? Why do we go through karma? How and can we get rid of it? Watch live on Facebook. www.f...
Vibrational Nutrition: Understanding the Energetic Signature of Foods with Candice Covington
Learn exciting new ways to use food and cooking as energetic medicine and how you can use this skill set to directly work with emotional, spiritual, and mental states. Explore the dynamic of food narratives (just a...
Energetic Cellular Healing & Cancer: Treating The Emotional Imbalances At The Root Of Dis...
Tjitze De Jong provides insight into the functioning of our cells and our immune system and how energetic distortions in our physical as well as energetic bodies, for example, in our chakras and auras, can lead to ...
Healing As the Divine Feminine with Suzanne Alexandria
Join us as we discuss healing with Divine Feminine Ascended Masters and how they are showing us completely new healing and consciousness potentials. Watch live on Facebook.
Get Grounded and Transform Your Trauma with Amelia Vogler
Grounding and Energy Medicine Specialist, Amelia Vogler, joins us to talk about what it means to be grounded. This is not the average “deep breathing,” “find your center,” “orient your...