Archived Episodes
Archangel Raziel: Write Your New Life Story
Dr Jenn checks in with Archangel Raziel for guidance o...
Encore: Angel Guidance for July 2017 - Patience and Peaceful Redirection
Dr Jenn shares insights and angel guidance for the month...
Angel Guidance for July 2017 - Patience and Peaceful Redirection
Dr Jenn shares insights and angel guidance for the month...
Time to Thrive: Angel Insights with Dr Jenn
Tune in as Dr Jenn delivers angel insights filled with i...
Colette Marie Stefan and What the Dragons Want You to Know!
Colette and Dr. Pat will be taking live calls at 800-930-2819 as she taps into the Higher Self Network and pulls messages from the Dragon cards. For more information about these cards and what the dragons hav...
Archangel Raziel Guidance for March 2017
Archangel Raziel is back with us this week for his guida...
Angels and New Years Resolutions with The Angel Lady Sue Storm
The Angels are happy to assist with New Years Resolutions. They will help you meet your goals. Always keeping you on the right track, angels can foster greater happiness and prosperity.
What Will it Take For You to Be Happy with Positivity Expert & Coach Nicole Isler
Obviously the answer is different for everyone, but most people don’t even take a moment to ask themselves – and those that do have some far-away, feels out of reach, “someday” kind of answe...
How Do You Define Happiness and Is That How You Generally Feel? Co-host Dr. Dan Cohen
What do you do to feel good and is that happiness? Most people learn their own little tricks to temporarily feel good or at least not feel bad. Some people do it with food, or shopping or drugs. What do you do and ...
What Does it Take to Feel (and be) Appreciated For Who You Are & All You Do with Author C...
There’s something deep within you that is at the core of who you are and your human nature and has everything to do with living your truth…being (and feeling) appreciated. In this episode you’ll ...
Soul Healthy Relationships
What is a soul healthy relationship? Your soul, is a key player is what’s going on with your relationships. How does this affect your happiness? Dr Jenn Royster will be discussing how your soul will find a way to ali...
Sleep Your Fat Away with Joy and Roy Martina
Forget will power and long hours at the gym! Ditch the diets and throw away those dangerous diet pills. In Sleep Your Fat Away, Joy and Roy Martina will show you how to become a naturally slim person by retrain...
Mirror of My Soul, Sanctum of My Heart with Jasmina Agrillo Scherr
For a powerful conversation on resilience and courage in the face of adversity, tune in today to an interview with author and coach Jasmina Argillo Scherr. Her new book, Mirror of My Soul, Sanctum of My Heart, is...
The Angel Lady Sue Storm
Knowing that the angels are all around us and willing to guide us brings a sense of joy. There is no end to the possibilities that the angels can offer. Welcoming them into your life, means more happiness, love, and...
Body, Mind, Spirit: What a Makeover can Do for You
Dr. Pat Baccili talks with Mary Kay Minifie and Dr. Virginia Stevens about the positive aspects of allowing yourself a makeover. Beauty from the inside out!
Choosing Peace and Happiness
Susan Reeve has lived an extraordinary life by choosing peace and happiness in day to day life. Dr. Pat Baccili finds out how.
Take Action In Your Life
Do you ever feel like you are letting your life control you, rather than you control your life? Dr. Pat Baccili talks about how taking action can help break through the crust to live the life you want.