Hidden just below the surface of ordinary day-to-day reality lies an abundance of pleasure and delight. By learning to look beyond your daily challenges, you can ease your stressed mind and body and rediscover the ...
Angels are all around, but do you know how many there really are? Do you know what they are in charge of helping you with? There are the big guns, joy guides, helpers, runners, healers, protectors and MORE!! Join m...
We all have stories we tell ourselves, personal narratives that define who we are. These stories take root in our subconscious and can limit us, like a shadow holding us back from our full potential. But words and ...
Could you use a good laugh, while also becoming more conscious and wanting to transform? Author and professor Fran Shaw delights us with her humor and desire to wake us up to our own lives. While there may be thousand...
You know ... those sleepless nights when you toss, turn, and wrestle with worries all night long? You are not alone. The majority of humans throughout history have failed to rise to their infinite potential because th...