Archived Episodes
Now What? What Happened?
You hit a dead end again. You had the will power all gone. What about the motivation? You can't see yourself continuing what you've started because it's scary it's new. But it would be so good for you. Watc...
Making the most of each moment, living in the NOW!
This episode is about not dwelling on the past: what you should have done, I wish I did that, I could have done this etc. Also, you should not let yourself get stuck in the future - worrying about the futur...
Spiritual Transformation: Angel Insights on Full Moon in Scorpio
Spiritual transformation is all about releasing, clean...
Muddy Roads Blue Skies: My Journey to the Foreign Service, from the Rural South to Tanzan...
An Unforgettable Journey from Rock Bottom to the Top of the World. Muddy Roads Blue Skies is Vella's inspiring, deeply personal account of her amazing journey from the backwoods of Georgia to the far reache...
Spiritual Awakening: New Cycle Begins
Dr Jenn calls on the angels for guidance as we now step onto a new path...
Angel Insights: Sept. Equinox and Full Moon
Be fearless and free comes into focus. The energy stir...
A Joy Journey with Lynn Hord; The Secret Weapon for Creating a Happy, Fulfilled Life
Fun and practical ways to bring more joy into all areas of your life from relationships and work to business.
Angel Guidance for March 2018
March rolls in with a full moon to get things rolling....
A Lifelong Love Affair With Yourself
In today's show in honor of Valentines Day, Claire Candy Hough and her angelic family The Posse of Angels will share messages and insights on how we can experience love everyday of our lives by ...
Love, Our Most Amazing Gift
In today's show, Claire Candy Hough and her angelic family The Posse of Angels will share insights and messages about our most amazing gift of love that we have been blessed with.
Are You Sabotaging Your Fresh New Start?
In today's show, Claire Candy Hough and her angelic family The Posse of Angels will share insights and messages on how to make sure that we are not sabotaging our dreams, prayers and wishes in 2...
2018 90th Annual Oscar Nominations: The Diversity Breakthrough or NOT? Plus The Good News...
After months of campaigning (and arguing about which films are most deserving), the nominations for this year’s Oscars are here. Are you happy? Sad? Disappointed? or just don't care? Dr. Pat has some ve...
In today's program, Claire Candy Hough and her angelic family The Posse of Angels will share insights and messages on how each us is pure potential and that we simply cannot fail,; as failure is...
"Dare Yourself in 2018!"
In today's show, Claire Candy Hough and her angelic family, The Posse of Angels will share insights and messages on how to get out of our comfort zone in order to create a grand, miraculous life...
Encore: Archangel Gabriel Brings Guidance for April 2017
Your host Dr Jenn delivers Archangel Gabriel's g...
Archangel Gabriel Brings Guidance for April 2017
Your host Dr Jenn delivers Archangel Gabriel's g...
Manifestation in the 5th Dimension and Beyond
In today's program, Claire Candy Hough and her angelic family will share insights and messages on how with the shifting of consciousness on the Planet, and the raising of higher energies, our ab...
The Recipe for the Fulfillment of Your Desires
In today's program Claire Candy Hough and her angelic family The Posse of Angels will share insights and messages on the recipe and 3 most important ingrediants for the fulfillment of your...
Love of Self
In today's program, Claire Candy Hough and her angelic family The Posse of Angels will share insights and messages on ways to practice 'Love of Self'. By respecting and honoring who we are and nurturi...
Forgiveness Opens Doors of Magic
In today's program, Claire Candy Hough and her angelic family, The Posse of Angels share insights and messages on how love and forgiveness are our most powerful keys to unlock doors of magic in ...
A Lifelong Love Affair With Ourselves
In today's program, Claire Candy Hough and her angelic family, The Posse of Angels will share insights and messages on how we can truly love ourselves all year round; and do not have to have a h...
Love, Our Most Amazing Gift
In today's program, Claire Candy Hough and her angelic family, will share insights and messages on how love truly makes the world go round and whatever the question is; love is the answer.
Are You Sabotaging Your New Beginning
In today's program, Claire Candy Hough and her angelic family, The Posse of Angels will share insights and messages on how we may consicouly ask the angels for new begninnings in our lives, yet ...
Just 2 Choices...It is Your Life with Author Rico Racosky
Choice is the heart of his unique and vital new book, Just 2 Choices...It Is Your Life, which is the forefront of what promises to be a global movement, the “Choice Revolution™.” The book...