Archived Episodes
The Power of Conscious Choice Matters!
Awakening to how your thoughts and beliefs are the dominant, driving force in your life!
Wednesday, October 5, 2022
Co-Hosts: Kelly Bazzani MA Psychology, Dr. Pat Baccili, Kelly Bazzani MA Psychology, Dr. Pat Baccili
Life in the Grey Area with Guest Jesica Henderson
The possibility perspective is about swimming in the grey area topics of life. Jesica joins Dr. Pat to talk about why she created the podcast The Possibility Perspective. They’ll discuss opinions and how they...
Higher Vibrations and Positive Shifts with Guest Host Julia Griffin!
Julia Griffin will share insights from the wolves, new ways of developing intuition, and how to use your gifts for greater perception and better manifestation. She will talk about the power of the individual and th...
Perception: Seeing Is Not Believing: It's Time to Evolve with special guest James Purpura!
The concepts in Perception: Seeing is Believing are created to help the reader achieve a level of self-mastery and a life they only dreamed of. How do you turn your life around? In the book Perception they ...
Developing Supersensible Perception: Knowledge of the Higher Worlds with Shelli Joye
A detailed guide to awakening your powers of supersensory perception. The author explores how to develop what you have acquired through imaginative, active, or intuitive thinking, as well as how to learn through in...
Transparency: Seeing Through to Our Expanded Human Capacity with Author Penney Peirce
Transparency: Seeing Through to Our Expanded Human Capacity is the next book in Penney Peirce’s award-winning, visionary series of guidebooks on personal and societal transformation. When you’re transpa...
Evidence of Eternity with Psychic Lawyer Mark Anthony
EVIDENCE OF ETERNITY: Communicating with Spirits for Proof of the Afterlife is the newest thought-provoking book by Mark Anthony the Psychic Lawyer® which brings decades of experience, wisdom and spiritual study toget...