If you find yourself running away from fear, you're running in the wrong direction. Fear demands that we move toward it, face it, and hear its messages. When we fail to do this, the price is high-chronic anxiety, s...
Bring your beginner’s mind and a sense of curiosity as we journey into a safe space, a connected space…a space of acceptance of our current state of being as we check in to mind, body, and spirit to be...
The Little Book of Saturn, a smart, friendly introduction to the astrological Saturn, is a book for curious readers who know there is more to astrology than their sun signs. Saturn has traditionally been considered...
Spring is the time of year when new growth comes to mind. Let the angels help you blossom into a "new you." They can work with you on goals, projects, and self-awareness. Angels for self-confidence are Rebecca and M...
Dr. Jenn Royster is back with her paint brush in hand for a visit with Dr. Pat to paint intuitive messages during the show. Dr. Jenn channels the paintings as she connects with the energy field, Spirit and the Angelic...