Julian Hyman, a retired veteran and businessman who has traveled the world many times over in his 97 years on the planet – is concerned about the future of the human race. He believes, as do many scientists, ...
Join Jen on this episode to learn more about what is this buzz term "comfort zone" we hear so much about and does life really begin outside your comfort zone?
The Angels are a part of being thankful for all the blessing rendered. Annette is the Angel of Gratitude. She encourages appreciation and thankfulness. Our Angels are always available as a support system. Thanking ...
Originally aired in 2006, Dr. Pat talks with Ram Dass, an American spiritual teacher and the author of the seminal 1971 book Be Here Now. He is known for his personal and professional associatio...
Listeners have asked for it and we are delivering! What was it about The Dr. Pat Show that made it the favorite then and now? Tune in to find out and get ready to rock it ole school with a new vibe to thrive ...