Absolute Alignment with Christelle Biiga: When Success Feels Easy: Positive Choice and the Power of Choice

Absolute Alignment with Christelle Biiga: When Success Feels Easy: Positive Choice and the Power of Choice

  07/16/2021  01:30 pm PST

Absolute Alignment with Christelle Biiga: When Success Feels Easy: Positive Choice and the Power of ChoiceIn essence, we have more choice than we often are led to believe or think we have. Sometimes the choice is just to inform us of the next choice. Ways to empower ourselves through awareness, options, choice, and courage.


Moving away from the external binary choice of 'good' or 'bad', 'right' or wrong' and moving towards the internal binary conversation to ask questions like: 

  1. Is this right for me
  2.  Does this move me towards my goals
  3. Is this in alignment with my values


christelle biiga host on the kornelia stephanie show

Christelle Biiga

Absolute Alignment with Christelle Biiga: When Success Feels Easy   Dreams Can Come True... I am living proof and I have made it my mission to help others dream big t...

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 Diane McClay

Diane McClay

Diane McClay is the founder of The Choice & Courage Co. and is a personal empowerment and transformation coach to mid-level professional women who aspire to lead from an...

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