Be Happy Now Show with Claudia-Sam: Flex Your Soul Connection Muscle and be Your Inner Guide to Fulfillment: Faith in The Unknown - Your Way Out of Stagnation (Part 1)

Be Happy Now Show with Claudia-Sam: Flex Your Soul Connection Muscle and be Your Inner Guide to Fulfillment: Faith in The Unknown - Your Way Out of Stagnation (Part 1)

  09/08/2022  03:30 pm PDT

This episode of the Be Happy Now Show is the first part of a two-part series with Thought Coach & Strategist Leah Roling, host of the BEcoming You show.

Be Happy Now Show with Claudia-Sam: Flex Your Soul Connection Muscle and be Your Inner Guide to Fulfillment: Faith in The Unknown - Your Way Out of Stagnation (Part 1) 

If you have a desire to grow out of stagnation or stuckness, and you wish to unlearn what has you repeat similar patterns of not moving forward because you're scared about the unknown...


Listen to this two-part series!


In this first part of the conversation between Leah and Claudia-Sam, learn to recognize where stagnation is in your body and align with the energy of making an empowered decision to either stay there or move forward.


This is an opportunity for you to grow with the uncertainty of how life will pan out (without letting the Fear of the unknown take over and keep you in fight or flight mode).


PART 2 EPISODE >> Listen to the part two episode by going to Leah‘s podcast called the BEcoming You show. Discover what is required to have unwavering faith in yourself so that you break free from permission, free from the need to be validated, free from apologizing for yourself, and free to become the “youest” you possible.


With both episodes, you’ll be invited and inspired to connect with (and practice) who you really are.


Leah Roling is a Thought Coach and Strategist that helps women leaders tap into the best of who they are using her BE METHOD. Too many women feel as though they were meant for more but they are too exhausted and too overwhelmed to look for it. She helps them find it, live into it and have the impact they know they have always had.


Go to leahroling.com to take her clutter quiz and find out where you get to declutter in your life.


Join me on the Flow Out of Fight or Flight pop-up workshop on September 15 2022. Send me an email at cs@claudiasamsoulcoaching.com and say "workshop" so that I can send you the Zoom link to attend. It's free!


Claudia-Sam Cataford Sauvé, your Soul Connection Coach, the Be Happy Now show

Claudia-Sam Cataford Sauvé

Be Happy Now Show with Claudia-Sam: Flex your Soul Connection Muscle and Be Your Inner Guide to Fulfillment Are you ready to ditch the self-care guilt and quit the go-go-go-...

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