Beyond Proof with Angie Corbett-Kuiper: Re-defining Death and Loss: Follow the breadcrumbs...They lead you to your loved ones...

Beyond Proof with Angie Corbett-Kuiper: Re-defining Death and Loss: Follow the breadcrumbs...They lead you to your loved ones...

  11/04/2020  12:00 pm PST

Beyond Proof with Angie Corbett-Kuiper: Re-defining Death and Loss: Follow the breadcrumbs...They lead you to your loved ones...
How often do we judge the life rafts that present in our lives, especially when we are experiencing the death of our loved one? How often do we choose not to follow where our hearts lead us?

Death forces us to sit still. Death forces us to feel. Death forces us to be uncomfortable, and most choose to self medicate with a magic pill, liquid, or potion. Those who wish for a magic pill or magic answer will be disappointed because there is none. It all starts with following the breadcrumbs of hope.

The Breadcrumbs - those little crumbs of hope leading the way to more hope and joy than sorrow and pain. Breadcrumbs have the potential to lead us to where our loved ones are, offering a knowing and understanding through their signs, symbols, and messages from beyond. And instead of following where our hearts are leading us, we choose, instead, to judge the very things that can move us forward in more joy than pain and sorrow in the hopes that others will like us, we will fit in, and to be included.

Following the breadcrumbs, if we choose, will lead us to our loved ones. Listen in as my Followers share the creative and unmistakable messages our loved ones use to get our attention.

If you are like me and feeling that you are not finding it possible to heal from your grief utilizing the tools of the masses and that your beliefs created decades ago are what might be holding you back from trusting the breadcrumbs' path, this show might be for you.

Healing from significant loss comes from a simple knowing. Following the breadcrumbs, wherever and whoever scatters them for us, is up to us. It is our choice. This knowing is something no one else can provide or teach us. This knowing comes from deep within.

I invite you to join me during this show of twist and turns as I discuss how our loved ones leave breadcrumbs for us to follow and connect with them. Again, it allows us to move from the debilitating and paralyzing pain of loss to one, which includes joy and hope. It all starts with one tiny breadcrumb.

Creating a new way in which we choose to include our loved ones in our lives is so much more rewarding than keeping them buried in pain, grief, sorrow, and heartache when it is unnecessary. Like everything, it is a choice.

I hope you join me as I share how following every breadcrumb, no matter how unorthodox, has allowed me and many others to not only connect with our loved ones but rely on their guidance and their loving support as we live life on this earth.


Angie Corbett-Kuiper

Angie Corbett-Kuiper

Beyond Proof Radio with Angie Corbett-Kuiper: Re-defining Death and Loss   Angie Corbett-Kuiper is described as a pioneer in the field of transforming the way in whi...

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