Empowerment Radio with Dr. Friedemann Schaub: 5 Ways to Be More Alive in 2017

Empowerment Radio with Dr. Friedemann Schaub: 5 Ways to Be More Alive in 2017

  01/04/2017  11:00 am PDT

Empowerment Radio with Dr. Friedemann Schaub: 5 Ways to Be More Alive in 2017For many people the beginning of a new year is the time to set intentions and make resolutions, such as losing the extra weight, going more often to the gym or spending less and saving more. However, most self-improvement goals get abandoned within a couple of months. “I don’t have enough time, it isn’t feasible or I am not strong enough” are just some of the most common explanations for giving up. Yet, the real reason why people don’t stay committed to what they intended to do is that their goals come from a “should” and “have to” attitude, which makes them ultimately just another item on the already way too long to-do-list.


What if your intentions wouldn’t require you to sweat, torture or deprive yourself, yet guarantee you more happiness and fulfillment? What if your goal was simply to be more alive in 2017? How? Listen to Dr. Friedemann’s Empowerment Radio Show and learn about the 5 things he is committing to make 2017 the most meaningful year ever.

Episode giveaways:

  • Release Anxiety Now – A Guided Meditation: Have you ever felt overcome by anxiety, attacked by panic, weighed down by worry? Although we create these emotions ourselves, they often feel out of our reach and control, which only increases the sense of overwhelm and powerlessness. This self-empowering guided meditation is designed to help you learn, how to release stored stress and anxiety from your subconscious mind and your body – and easily shift into a state of peaceful calmness within a matter of minutes. All you need to do is to lean back, let your eyes fall close and relax. http://thefearandanxietysolution.com/meditation-to-release-anxiety-fear


Dr. Friedemann Schaub, MD Ph.D.

Dr. Friedemann Schaub, MD Ph.D.

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