Forging A Life with Coach Christine Clark: Igniting Full Circle Success: Forging Through Expectancy

Forging A Life with Coach Christine Clark: Igniting Full Circle Success: Forging Through Expectancy

  04/09/2024  09:00 am PDT

Forging Through ExpectancyThey say expectation is the root of suffering. Yet each of us has deeply rooted beliefs about how the world works.  Our socialization defines how we think people are supposed to interact.  We get disappointed  because no one can ever truly stand in our shoes.  No one will have our identical perspective. We make plans for our work and lives with the understanding and knowledge we possess.  Still there is very little we can truly count on.  In this beautifully diverse world change is a universal truth.  It is challenging, to say the least, to maintain connectional relationships, achieve personal and business goals, make a difference in our communities without occasionally (or constantly) having our expectations dashed to bits by life.  Contrary to what your inner critic might say dashed expectations is not indicative of your worth, other people’s judgements, or what is possible.  You simple have to forge through.


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Christine Clark

Forging A Life with Coach Christine: Igniting Full Circle Success Are you a little overwhelmed? Feeling isolated, angry, frustrated, unacknowledged, or fearful? Do you find...

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