Grounding Into Your Radiance: A Space to Dream, Explore, and Reconnect to Your Essential Self with Stacie Barber: Loss in Life + The Power of Forgiveness

Grounding Into Your Radiance: A Space to Dream, Explore, and Reconnect to Your Essential Self with Stacie Barber: Loss in Life + The Power of Forgiveness

  03/11/2021  09:00 am PDT

Grounding Into Your Radiance: A Space to Dream, Explore, and Reconnect to Your Essential Self with Stacie Barber: Loss in Life + The Power of Forgiveness In today's episode we will be talking about how loss in life can open the portal of our minds + perspectives, remembering our common humanity, and awaken possibility + opportunity that we never expected.  We will discuss the sheer power of self-forgiveness + forgiveness of others in times of loss, and how this gift can help us clearly see the grace beneath it all.  

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Stacie Barber

Stacie Barber

Grounding into Your Radiance with Stacie Barber: A Space to Dream, Explore, and Reconnect to Your Essential Self 2nd & 4th Thursdays - 9am PT / 12pm ET Welcome to Grou...

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