Inspired Caring with Michele Magner: Overcoming FEAR with Confidence - Discover Your Unice

Inspired Caring with Michele Magner: Overcoming FEAR with Confidence - Discover Your Unice

  08/04/2023  09:30 am PDT

Inspired Caring with Michele Magner: Overcoming FEAR with Confidence - Discover Your UniceWe are born confident and curious and it is only over time that we are repeatedly warned and collecting evidence to have FEAR. Fear holds us back, keeps us stuck, keeps us up at night with worry.

F.E.A.R. is simply False Evidence Appearing Real.

What keeps surfacing as the way to overcome fear, it is through confidence. Confidence is a muscle that when exercised, becomes stronger.  You can build confidence when you have an awareness of yourself, take advantage of neuroplasticity, and practice new ways of thinking and doing to become stronger in your confidence.

You want confidence when you're on the path of helping aging family members.  It will help you move through challenging situations that you encounter and difficult conversations that need to be had.

Here's the video I reference in this episode from a fellow Graceland University alumni, Dr. Ivan Joseph - https://youtu.be/w-HYZv6HzAs 


What's your unice?  Nope, it's not a body part or new age term.

It's actually your YOU-NESS, but that's certainly not what I thought when I heard this word for the first time! :)

What makes you...YOU? What makes you tick? What do you like? Do you feel like you're showing up as your authentic self?

This is certainly part of my continued journey of discovery and what I strive for each day.  Let's keep going!



Inspired Caring Podcast with Michele Magner

Michele Magner

Inspired Caring Podcast with Michele MagnerInspiration and Information for Family Caregivers of Aging ParentsFridays 9:30am PT / 12:30pm ET   If you are helping out a...

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