Know Your Crazy with Susan Denee: Emotional Recovery in the Raw: Catch Your CrAzY!!!! Do you know enough about your signature crazy to catch it before it's like a wild fire?

Know Your Crazy with Susan Denee: Emotional Recovery in the Raw: Catch Your CrAzY!!!! Do you know enough about your signature crazy to catch it before it's like a wild fire?

  01/17/2023  05:00 pm PDT

Know Your Crazy with Susan Denee: Emotional Recovery in the Raw: Catch Your CrAzY!!!! Do you know enough about your signature crazy to catch it before it's like a wild fire? This past weekend I found myself irritable. More irritable than usual. I became abrupt and short with my words with my family. I found myself "venting" more than I'm comfortable with. The story I told myself was, "it's natural to become frustrated at times." The dilemma with my signature crazy is if I don't catch it in the early stages, frustration turns to anger, and anger could lead to a case of the F... CK Its. It's been a past pattern of mine. What about you? How does your CRAZY show up for you? When it does, what is the underlying cause? For me, I had fear about the to-do list that involved learning new technology. Things were not moving fast enough. I got bogged down in frustration when attempting to accomplish too many things within one objective. If you are not a pro at identifying your CRAZY, then tune in to the show because I will provide examples of my signature crazy and crazy case studies of people I have worked with throughout the years. 


Susan Denee Host on Transformation Talk Radio

Susan Denee

Know Your Crazy with Susan Denee: Emotional recovery in the raw Tuesdays 5pm PT / 8pm ET Everyone has their unique form of crazy. It could manifest from minor frustration ...

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