Know Your Crazy with Susan Denee: Emotional Recovery in the Raw: Is Filtering Our Communication a Good Thing?

Know Your Crazy with Susan Denee: Emotional Recovery in the Raw: Is Filtering Our Communication a Good Thing?

  10/18/2022  05:00 pm PDT

know your crazy, susan denee, transformation talk radio, transformationDo you ever get tired of holding back within your communication? Are you tired of hesitating when someone upsets you? Would you prefer to be direct, but instead you pause…often? Learning to filter our words is a skill set and the trick is to learn how to effectively verbalize our positions in life by eliminating the unwanted waste of negativity that can be felt through our tone of voice, or our choice of words. When we appropriately convey our communication we allow for an exchange of openness within the relationship.


Susan Denee Host on Transformation Talk Radio

Susan Denee

Know Your Crazy with Susan Denee: Emotional recovery in the raw Tuesdays 5pm PT / 8pm ET Everyone has their unique form of crazy. It could manifest from minor frustration ...

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