Light On Living with Lisa Berry: Lighten the Load of Life's Challenges: Building Your Body Beyond Beauty - Let Your Health and Fitness Shine

Light On Living with Lisa Berry: Lighten the Load of Life's Challenges: Building Your Body Beyond Beauty - Let Your Health and Fitness Shine

  09/01/2017  09:00 am PDT

Better than looking good is feeling strong, fit and confident. This is empowerment! Michael Finigan, owner of Pursuit Training, was determined to find a way to allow the hard work and commitment of fitness to really shine.

He found that way through leading picturesque, but challenging, hiking trips to places like the Grand Canyon and the Dominican.

On today’s show Michael shares inspiring stories of how people have turn their lives around through fitness. Showing us a way to truly experience the gains of building a strong life beyond the beautiful body.

How do we enjoy our strength? How do we get to experience what we’ve created with our bodies?

Learn how it’s possible no matter where you are in the world, with one on one and online training, to live your health and fitness dreams.


Lisa  Berry

Lisa Berry

Light On Living Abroad with Lisa, Will & Dean: Living, Investing, Retiring Made Easy - Every Monday at 2pm pacific/ 5pm eastern. A spin off of her "Light on Living" ra...

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