Maximum Medicine with Dr. Sharon Martin: Bridging the Mystical & Scientific for Healing: Moment of REST

Maximum Medicine with Dr. Sharon Martin: Bridging the Mystical & Scientific for Healing: Moment of REST

  05/05/2021  04:00 pm PDT

Maximum Medicine with Dr. Sharon Martin: Bridging the Mystical & Scientific for Healing: Moment of RESTWe (our energy bodies included) have been tossed about for several years; finding restoration can be hard.  Using her stones as her allies for shamanic healing, Doc Martin offers an hour of REST – her energetic REset and STabilization process.  Connect by call or FB live to participate to get energetic sustenance.  The healings will be directed for all, regardless of ability to be present.


Doc Sharon Martin Maximum Medicine on Transformation Talk Radio

Dr. Sharon Martin MD

Maximum Medicine with Dr. Sharon Martin: Bridging the Mystical & Scientific™ Every 1st & 3rd Wed 4pm pt / 7pm etLIVE Call-in shows!  Sometimes b...

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