NO MORE RULES with Stefani Yost & Camille Barreto: The Impact of  Being You No Matter What: The Inside Job

NO MORE RULES with Stefani Yost & Camille Barreto: The Impact of Being You No Matter What: The Inside Job

  05/01/2023  08:00 am PDT

NO MORE RULES with Stefani Yost & Camille Barreto: The Impact of  Being You No Matter What: The Inside Job
Dana U. Camp, our dear friend and Intuitive Numerologist & Perception Coach is nothing short of amazing!  Her combination of unique services assists you in your journey to self-heal through a deeper understanding of yourself and maximizing the joy in your life through shifts in your perception and beliefs about yourself and the world around you. Her strengths are in her innate abilities in seeing how everything is connected and creating strategies for your unique frequencies with gentleness, compassion, and empathy. Each person’s path is unique to them and Dana can see the necessary shifts needed for your inner peace through unconditional understanding, patience, compassion, self-love, and self-acceptance with emotional awareness and wholeness integration. She hasn’t met anyone she does not unconditionally love. Her work is with individuals, couples, families and all things relationship related. 
As a numerologist, she helps make the connections to bring you clarity, redefine your vocabulary and perceptions via your beliefs to shift your life. We will uncover what brings fulfillment/purpose, communication styles, personality, feelings, and those hidden energies that can affect you in your day-to-day life.
You will be replaying this episode as you will be intrigued to dive deep into understanding yourself better and know the power of connectedness that Dana's teaching offers!


Camille Barreto - No More Rules

Camille Barreto

NO MORE RULES with Stefani Yost & Camille Barreto: The Impact of Being You...No Matter What   Welcome to NO MORE RULES. The IMPACT of being you, NO matter what! A...

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Stefani Yost - No More Rules

Stefani Yost

NO MORE RULES with Stefani Yost & Camille Barreto: The Impact of Being You...No Matter What   Welcome to NO MORE RULES. The IMPACT of being you, NO matter what! A...

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 Dana  Camp

Dana Camp

Dana U. Camp is an Intuitive Numerologist & Perception Coach, Frequency Facilitator/Acutunist, Specialized Kinesiology Practitioner, and a Thera Wellness Practitioner. S...

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