Psychic Love Doctor Show with Deborah Leigh and Intuitive Co-host Daryl: Wondering How Someone From the Past Feels About You? Lets find out with a reading!  Also general readings on you name it!

Psychic Love Doctor Show with Deborah Leigh and Intuitive Co-host Daryl: Wondering How Someone From the Past Feels About You? Lets find out with a reading! Also general readings on you name it!

  08/12/2016  02:00 pm PDT

Psychic Love Doctor Show with Deborah Leigh and Intuitive Co-host Daryl: Wondering How Someone From the Past Feels About You? Lets find out with a reading!  Also general readings on you name it!Have you ever wondered how someone from your past feels about you - especially after some time has passed? Perhaps it's a romantic partner from the past, a good friend you drifted away from or just someone special you left behind.  

Let's conduct a Personal Prophesy reading and find out!

The readings I conduct using ordinary playing cards are incredibly accurate when it comes to the thoughts and feelings of others. Even those we haven't been in touch with for a very long time. You just might find that particular person misses you terribly or has feelings that have evolved to the point of need where he or she wishes to somehow reconnect with you.

OR...you can gain the insight that someone who hurt you, devastated you or gave you a terribly broken heart now yearns to make amends. To give you a heartfelt apology that has been so long in coming. To let you know the love they feel for you - yes, even after months or years have passed.

Call into the show for a reading on this topic or another burning issue on your mind. 

If you would prefer not to call in, please email me at: Deborah@psychiclovedoctor.com with your reading request. Yes, you can use a fake name. I will do my best to conduct a reading for you from your email request on the air!




Deborah Leigh

Deborah Leigh

Fridays 2pm pacific / 5pm eastern! The Psychic Love Doctor is in! Tune-in to the hit show, Psychic Love Doctor with host Deborah Leigh and intuitive Co-host Daryl. Since 19...

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