Reinventing - U with Danielle Silverman: When what you do matches who you are: Managing Change and Transition - Leaning into Uncertainty

Reinventing - U with Danielle Silverman: When what you do matches who you are: Managing Change and Transition - Leaning into Uncertainty

  06/12/2023  08:00 am PDT

Reinventing - U with Danielle Silverman: When what you do matches who you are: Managing Change and Transition - Leaning into UncertaintyWhen we speak about wanting to change careers, we’re most often confronted with managing change and transition. Whether that change is wanted and of our own making or whether it is foisted upon us, the reactions are usually quite the same. Fear and uncertainty. Today we will look at change and uncertainty in a new way, in order to make the transition easier to cope with, even helping you thrive in periods of change.


Watch: https://youtu.be/8nkMooKO5W0 


Danielle Silverman MBA

Danielle Silverman MBA

Reinventing - U with Danielle Silverman: When what you do matches who you are 2nd & 4th Mondays 8am PT / 11am ET In today’s world of ever constant evolution, the...

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