Spirit Fire Radio: Principles of Abundance for the Cosmic Citizen

Spirit Fire Radio: Principles of Abundance for the Cosmic Citizen

  08/31/2016  09:00 am PST

Spirit Fire Radio: Principles of Abundance for the Cosmic Citizen We are thrilled to invite Dr. Dorothy Riddle back to our show for a third conversation. This time we explore the first book in her rich three volume series, Enough For Us All. This selection, Principles of Abundance for the Cosmic Citizen shows us how understanding our fundamental interconnectedness and our ability as energetic beings to create our own reality can provide us with the tools to tackle the challenging issues confronting us as a human race.  It translates the principles of quantum physics into practical tools that we can use to transform ourselves and our communities. It dovetails beautifully with the themes of our final steps of The Practice of Living Awareness. 


This week we engage the Central Channel as step thirteen of our fourteen step meditation program. As we begin to sense the entire practice coming together, we simultaneously sense all that is available to us with each and every breath. Indeed, we are energy beings, stewards of consciousness, and cosmic citizens of universal abundance... our Central Channels sees to it!


Join us as we explore these notions.


Steve Kramer

Steve Kramer

Tune in with Spirit Fire Radio. Listen live every Wednesday @ 9am pacific / 12pm eastern.   Purposeful living, practical spirituality... they sound like concepts...

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Dr. Dorothy Riddle

Dr. Dorothy Riddle

Dr. Dorothy Riddle is a psychologist, social change specialist, and spiritual coach. She is Chairperson of the Board of Directors of the School for Esoteric Studies (with wh...

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