The Becoming You Show with Leah Roling: Inspire, Influence, & Impact Your Life: 26.  Breaking up with Busy

The Becoming You Show with Leah Roling: Inspire, Influence, & Impact Your Life: 26. Breaking up with Busy

  07/08/2022  09:00 am PDT

The Becoming You Show with Leah Roling: Inspire, Influence, & Impact Your Life: 26.  Breaking up with Busy Are you too busy?  I think sometimes when we think about being busy we wear it like a badge of honor.  It means that we have a lot going on in our life.  We have lots to do. Lots of people to take care of.  Lots of errands to run.  Lots of tasks to cross off and if we are not careful we will miss out on the things that matter in a desperate attempt to check off a box or cross off a task.   


As an enneagram number 3, high achiever, I know a lot about this topic. A lot of people refer to being busy in a positive way,  they think productive, important, disciplined, successful, accomplished, high achieving.


All of these things seem kind, nice, complimentary from the outside in.  But inside out busy doesn’t feel great.  It doesn’t feel productive.  Or efficient.  I don’t generally create my best work from busy.  I think busy actually feels overwhelming, unconscious, unorganized, unintentional, rushed. 


Regardless of how you define BUSY I want to invite you to break up with it, with me today.  I no longer want to be busy I want to be intentionally NOT busy. I want to be conscious about how I spend my time and making sure that it is on what matters. 


Listen in as I share with you 3 sure fire ways to break up with busy for good.  


Maybe you could help me. Who do you want to do this life with? Maybe you click the 3 dots, copy the link and send this to them. Or if you want to love doing this life better, book your first session with me for free and I will get you unbusy- www.leahroling.com/contact



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