The Becoming You Show with Leah Roling: Inspire, Influence, & Impact Your Life: 88.  Expectations Unveiled: Navigating Dreams and Desires in a World of 'Shoulds'"

The Becoming You Show with Leah Roling: Inspire, Influence, & Impact Your Life: 88. Expectations Unveiled: Navigating Dreams and Desires in a World of 'Shoulds'"

  09/22/2023  09:00 am PDT

The Becoming You Show with Leah Roling: Inspire, Influence, & Impact Your Life: 88.  Expectations Unveiled: Navigating Dreams and Desires in a World of 'Shoulds'"In today's episode, we journey deep into the concept of expectations, how we impose them on others and shoulder them from those around us.

The "shoulds" we encounter daily can subtly dictate our life path, often pulling us away from our true desires and authentic selves. How many times have we found ourselves trapped in a role or situation, not because it's what we genuinely want, but because it's what we feel is expected of us? Likewise, how often do we hope for others to change, thinking it'll allow us to flourish? How often do we hinge our happiness on others, expecting them to change, thinking it'll pave our path to betterment.

Waiting for others to morph into versions we find acceptable is a passive stance in life, anchoring us in a constant state of longing and inaction.

Conversely, the weight of external expectations can be suffocating. Society, family, peers—they all have well-defined molds they'd like us to fit into. But what happens when these molds start stifling our dreams? Bending and contorting to fit into everyone else's expectations can mean forgoing our passions and losing our authentic selves.

We are going to explore the delicate dance of letting go of these expectations and embracing our unique journey. By shedding these imposed layers, we can truly navigate our dreams and aspirations, free from the weight of societal norms and external pressures. Join us as we unveil the tools and mindsets necessary to rise above the noise and chart a course true to ourselves.


Join us on this introspective journey as we untangle the web of expectations and discover how releasing them can lead to a more authentic, contented, and fulfilled life.


My hope is that we are creating a community by way of this podcast.  My goal is to teach this work to ONE MILLION people. Maybe you could help me. Who do you want to do this life with? Maybe you click the 3 dots, copy the link and send this to them. The ripple effect that this work has is transformational and it all starts with you. Thank you for being here. 



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Leah Roling

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