The Christine Upchurch Show: The Vibration of Change™: Souls on Earth: Exploring Interplanetary Past Lives with Dr. Linda Backman, Ed.D

The Christine Upchurch Show: The Vibration of Change™: Souls on Earth: Exploring Interplanetary Past Lives with Dr. Linda Backman, Ed.D

  02/01/2019  11:00 am PDT

interplanetary-souls-dr-linda-backman-christine-upchurch-showMost of us are familiar with past lives—as humans. But what about previous lives on other planets or in other dimensions? In this interview, psychologist Dr. Linda Backman shares her fascinating work with “interplanetary souls” and identifies the unique characteristics and special challenges that these souls face.


the christine upchurch show on transformation talk radio

Christine Upchurch

The Christine Upchurch Show - The Vibration of Change™The “Vibration of Change”—that magical place where life shifts from struggle to ease…fr...

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Dr. Linda  Backman Ed.D.

Dr. Linda Backman Ed.D.

Dr. Linda Backman, psychologist and regression therapist, has been in private practice for 40 years. Dr. Backman guides individuals in soul regression hypnotherapy to access...

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