The Christine Upchurch Show: The Vibration of Change™: All You Need Is Love: The Importance of Transcending Spiritual Clichés and Living Their Deeper Wisdom

The Christine Upchurch Show: The Vibration of Change™: All You Need Is Love: The Importance of Transcending Spiritual Clichés and Living Their Deeper Wisdom

  07/12/2019  11:00 am PST

christine upchurch show - the vibration of change - contributing author to all you need is love  - bonus audio recordingAward-winning filmmaker/bestselling author Betsy Chasse and editor/bestselling author Cate Montana join Christine to discuss how the New Age is filled with spiritual clichés that get in the way of embracing our wholeness.

The three discuss their motivation for challenging these falsehoods as co-authors in All You Need Is Love and also share insights about how to get beyond what’s trite to welcome more expansive living.


the christine upchurch show on transformation talk radio

Christine Upchurch

The Christine Upchurch Show - The Vibration of Change™The “Vibration of Change”—that magical place where life shifts from struggle to ease…fr...

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cate montana

Cate Montana

The author of Unearthing Venus: My Search for the Woman Within and co-author of The Heart of the Matter with Dr. Darren Weissman, Cate has a master’s degree in humanis...

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 Betsy Chasse

Betsy Chasse

Betsy Chasse is an award winning filmmaker (What The Bleep Do We Know?!, Song of the New Earth, Pregnant In America, The Empty Womb) and a best-selling author (Tipping Sacre...

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