The Christine Upchurch Show: The Vibration of Change™: Whatever Arises, Love That: A Love Revolution that Begins with You with guest Matt Kahn

The Christine Upchurch Show: The Vibration of Change™: Whatever Arises, Love That: A Love Revolution that Begins with You with guest Matt Kahn

  01/08/2016  11:00 am PDT

The Christine Upchurch Show: The Vibration of Change™: Whatever Arises, Love That: A Love Revolution that Begins with You with guest Matt KahnDiscover the profound transformational wisdom that has moved and inspired more that 4.5 million YouTube viewers worldwide. Join Christine and beloved spiritual teacher and author, Matt Kahn, for what's sure to be an inspiring conversation and a joyous celebration of the launch of Matt’s eagerly anticipated new book, Whatever Arises, Love That: A Love Revolution that Begins with You.   


the christine upchurch show on transformation talk radio

Christine Upchurch

The Christine Upchurch Show - The Vibration of Change™The “Vibration of Change”—that magical place where life shifts from struggle to ease…fr...

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 Matt Kahn

Matt Kahn

Matt Kahn is the author of the best-selling books Whatever Arises, Love That and Everything Is Here To Help You. He is a spiritual teacher, and highly attuned empathic heale...

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