The Coach Martez and  Woodrina Layton, LPC Show: Understanding Love, Accepting Truth, and Changing Your Perspective!: Why Do The Good Ones Step Out And Cheat In Their Marriage?

The Coach Martez and Woodrina Layton, LPC Show: Understanding Love, Accepting Truth, and Changing Your Perspective!: Why Do The Good Ones Step Out And Cheat In Their Marriage?

  11/03/2021  12:00 pm PDT

The Coach Martez and  Woodrina Layton, LPC Show: Understanding Love, Accepting Truth, and Changing Your Perspective!: Why Do The Good Ones Step Out And Cheat In Their Marriage? Infidelity is one of the main reasons that trust is broken in a marriage or in which the marriage itself is destroyed. Most often the spouse who was cheated on will ask the question, “how could this happen to me? or I never saw this happening because my spouse is a good person who loves their family.” Some people may even go so far as to say, “because you have a good God-fearing spouse, you won’t have to worry about them cheating on you.” However, the question is, what’s the definition of a good, trusting and loyal spouse? What causes this good person, with a good heart, who loves their family to break their bond of trust and have an affair. You don’t want to miss this show because Coach Martez and Woodrina Layton are going to share their personal stories of infidelity in their marriage, and what caused them as two God-fearing people who loved God and who loved each other to cheat. They will also share on how to avoid affairs from happening in your marriage. 


Coach Martez and Woodrina Layton, LPC hosts on Transformation Talk Radio

Martez & Woodrina Layton

The Coach Martez & Woodrina Layton, LPC Show: Understanding Love, Accepting Truth, & Changing Your Perspective Coach Martez and Woodrina Layton, LPC are a determine...

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